Horia Metiu

10 reviews
Tough grader Accessible outside class Get ready to read Inspirational Lecture heavy Graded by few things Tests are tough Lots of homework
Past quarters


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CHEM 113AL Metiu H I Fall 2023 Total: 24
CHEM 113C Metiu H I Spring 2023 Total: 73
CHEM 113AL Metiu H I Winter 2023 Total: 33
CHEM 113A Metiu H I Fall 2022 Total: 59
CHEM113A . Metiu H I 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Professor Metiu could not recall what he has taught before. Once, he just repeated the last lecture again (even with the mistakes he made last time). He could not recall the correct form of equations - many times in each lecture he omitted or mistakenly added minus signs. Metiu's teaching brought disgrace to this university, which I would agree.

0 helpful 3 unhelpful
CHEM113A . Metiu H I 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Grade 50% homework, 50% take home final. Doesn't seem like much chemistry, all math. Lecture content very consistent with textbook so you can catch up with textbook if you miss lecture. My TA didn't seem like they knew Mathematica well, but check grading standards with TAs since they grade. His office hours are more helpful for content/learning.

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CHEM113A . Metiu H I 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Stopped going to class because it did me no good and waste of time. Mathematica is confusing and TAs docked points from work that was correct (worked with professor). Small small curve that saved me

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CHEM113A . Metiu H I 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

This course is so disorganized and exhibits a lack of communication between prof & TAs, TA & TA, prof & students. Metiu is mentally incapable to teach successfully. His teaching basically brings disgrace to the education at this university.

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CHEM113C . Metiu H I 3 Years Ago

I have never taken a class where I was able to learn Mathematica. In order to pass the class, you need to have a large amount of knowledge on this program! Makes it near impossible for me to even attempt the homework since I can't program a simple function. It made the class unnecessarily hard for students like me who can't run the program.

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113AL . Metiu H I 4 Years Ago

Metiu is a very nice professor who has realistic expectations for what he wants his students to know. He covers all the topics he wants you to understand in class, and explains concepts thoroughly. The class wasn't very difficult and I learned a lot of new skills, that's the hallmark of a good professor.

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CHEM113A . Metiu H I 6 Years Ago

Excellent prof for thermo, his class is mundane and hard to understand, but going to office hours and reading the book are godsent. His books are very easy to read and his ability to explain things one on one are unparalleled. Again, don't go to class, go to office hours and read.

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CHEM113A . Metiu H I 6 Years Ago

Great guy and fantastic professor. Very helpful and nice during office hour. His exams can be very hard, and TAs tend to grade very strictly. But overall really good class if you put effort. You need Mathematica for the HWs.

8 helpful 0 unhelpful
CHEM113A . Metiu H I 6 Years Ago

Brilliant Professor. He did a good job of explaining the material and deriving all the formulas. He just talks too quiet, so sit up front and pay attention. You will get an A. Oh class average on midterm is 28%. But it would be easier for you to beat the average.

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CHEM113C . Metiu H I 15 Years Ago

Stay away from this professor if you want to actually learn statistical mechanics and kinetics. His lectures are straight out of his textbook, and the exam/final problems he gives are totally random (from extremely ez to near impossible). You have been warned.

6 helpful 15 unhelpful