Brett Hartman

14 reviews
Lecture heavy
Past quarters


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GEOG201 . 7 Years Ago

I really hated this class. Easy A but learned nothing. He doesn't explain anything or prepare you for the exams or final. His organization sucks, his ppts are a few words & a picture. He said to buy the book b/c students who read got better scores. I bought the book & didn't use it whatsover. I have an A from studying off google. A waste of time

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ESRM200 . 8 Years Ago

He teaches at CSUCI. I asked him a respectful question but also a challenging one because he changed the requirements of our 10 page paper 3 days before it was due. He pulled me aside and told me not to ask questions in classes and to ask him in private. He gets so mad when asked questions, not teacher quality.

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ESRM200 . 9 Years Ago

This guy also teaches at CSUCI. He is the worst. We have field trips every Thursday and he brings us back 15 minutes after class is suppose to be over when he is fully aware that several people have a class immediately after. He is a mumbler who doesn't know what he is talking about but has lots of passion, not a good combo. DO NOT TAKE HIM!

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GEOG3B . 11 Years Ago

I'm sure he is personally a nice guy and I am also sure he means well. However, I found his lecture style to be quite annoying. He explained things in a convoluted way even though the concepts were inherently easy. He also got mad at the class multiple times for taking notes during lecture which struck me as odd. Anyways his class was interesting.

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GEOG3B . 11 Years Ago

Classes like this are not that exciting in the first place. His lectures are available online and he covers everything. Just do the homework and skim the textbook and you'll be find. A lot of it is memory recall.

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GEOG3B . 11 Years Ago

AWFUL PROFESSOR! He seems like a really nice guy but I don't think he really knew what he was doing. He started off great but lost it after the first midterm. Slides are just pictures and useless and you learn nothing from lecture. Tests easy, but you won't learn anything from the class. I googled everything for homework and studying. Pointless

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GEO3B . 11 Years Ago

Such a cute man! Really nice and trys his best to help everyone. I would definitely recommend this class.

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GEO3B . 11 Years Ago

Really nice guy! He gives study guides that are extremely helpful for the tests and is really into the subject. I recommend this class!

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GEO3B . 13 Years Ago

dont take this class, he is a boring ass lecturer and does not give you a feel for what is going to be on his midterm and finals.

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GEO3B . 13 Years Ago

Seriously the worst lectures I've ever been in. He didn't like that we were typing what he said because then we weren't paying attention, but everyone stopped paying attention (and coming) when he got rid of the powerpoint slides. Average on the midterm was like, 68%, with a curve that added 1 point to everyone's grade. Don't take his class!

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GEOG3B . 13 Years Ago

he's realllllly friendly!office hours are very helpful!. nice guy if you're a good student.

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GEOG5 . 14 Years Ago

Boring ass lecturer. If you read the book you dont really need to go to class, but if you like napping I would recommend going to lecture.

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