Ines Talamantez

58 reviews
Respected Inspirational So many papers Caring Get ready to read Participation matters EXTRA CREDIT Tests? Not many Accessible outside class Lots of homework Graded by few things
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RGST14 . 6 Years Ago

I left her class everyday feeling so inspired, she deeply passionate about everything she talk about, and truly speaks from her heart. The class is pretty easy, just go to lecture and section and skim the readings. The papers are pretty easy too, but the final paper is about 8 pages and a 5 minute presentation on your topic so dont procrastinate.

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RGST14 . 6 Years Ago

Absolutely amazing professor. Super friendly outside of class. Her lectures are repetitive at times, but you'll be let out early. Doesn't read from a book, most readings are interesting. Easy A. Papers aren't graded hard. Plenty of guest speakers, which put a perspective on the world. Excellent teaching and beautiful person. Take this class.

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RGST14 . 7 Years Ago

This class was really an eye opener regarding the history of native americans. Overall it is an interesting and easy class, but do not procrastinate on the final paper like I did.

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RGST14 . 7 Years Ago

In lecture she discusses the genocide of indegenous people in the US & how colonization has (& continues to) impact Native American people. Coming to lecture is important if you want to learn about history that is commonly overlooked & gain a new perspective on humans/nature. Skim the readings & put good effort into the final paper/presentation.

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RGST110 . 7 Years Ago

So this class was actually my favorite that I've taken at SB, purely because of how it impacted me outside of class. I learned so much about being a better person and caring for others. But, this was ridiculously hard. At one point we were reading a book and writing 1 paper per week. And it never slowed because the midterm and final were 10 pgs

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RGST14 . 8 Years Ago

Talamantez isn't a "traditional" lecturer by any means, but is one of the most caring, inspirational profs I've had at SB. She teaches about respect for one another and the world we live in, and the assigned books are very interesting. Take this class if you are hoping to broaden your state of mind, but not if you want a traditional class.

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RGST14 . 8 Years Ago

This class focused less on actual religious practices and more on avoiding generalizations. Much less interesting than it gives off. Long readings every week with 2 one page papers on each week's reading. No tests, attendance is taken in lecture but usually you get out early, taking notes in lecture isn't necessary. Final is an 8-10 page paper.

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RGST14 . 8 Years Ago

An amazing woman, who is compassionate and wise and really cares about her students. Her teaching transcends the course material- what she really wants is to encourage her students to grow and become better versions of themselves. Some people call her boring but I think it's because they are looking for the easiest A rather than reflection/growth.

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RGST14 . 8 Years Ago

Super easy class, you won't actually learn anything about Native American Religion but it's a super easy class if you have to get some credits. Talamantez is a pretty boring lecturer

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RELGS14 . 8 Years Ago

Talamantez wants to reach her students on a personal level. She teaches us things to improve our lives, not just to get us to pass a test (which makes class much more enjoyable). 25% participation (showing up), 25% weekly readings/reflections (I usually skimmed), 25% midterm (paper topic/bibliography), and 25% final paper. Take this class.

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RG14 . 8 Years Ago

Really depends on your TA. I had Shelby king and she was prob the coolest TA ever. Show up to lectures to sign in then you can pretty much leave because it's useless. But make sure you participate during section and go to office hours for midterm and final then you are guaranteed an A+. Didn't read anything for this class still got A+. Lots of EC

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RG14 . 9 Years Ago

After taking multiple RG ST courses at UCSB, I was excited when I signed up for this one, thinking I'd have the same great experiences I had in RG ST 12 & 20. BUT the lectures were completely unfocused and cited no evidence or even visual presentation, the teacher was a quiet, rambling lady, and the entire curriculum was based on 1 paper. Awful.

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