Seemed very passionate about the subject at hand and tried to do everything to make it applicable to our lives, so that we are not bored. Always available for office hours and accomodated me when it conflicted with my work schedule. Went out of his way to help me find a topic for my paper and guided me through the process. Challenged me actually
He made me cry. He's mean and isn't fair at all in his grading. His criticism doesn't seem constructive and even if you show an effort to have suggestions on your paper prior to turning it in it does not reflect in your grade. Take this GE at a community college instead of killing your gpa here.
Grades are completely subjective. So is his definition of attendence. I only missed the last two classes (we were watching Slumdog Millionaire) and recieved a 70 for attendence. Avoid taking him.
Lu is particularly confused about the subject he teaches (he doesn't know the difference between a summary and an analysis). Participation is a huge part of the grade and it is completely subjective. He throws away all in-class assignments as soon as the quarter is over (so don't expect to ask grade clarifications).