Erik Nielsen

36 reviews
Hilarious Lecture heavy Get ready to read Accessible outside class Clear grading criteria So many papers Graded by few things Participation matters Gives good feedback Lots of homework Caring Group projects Amazing lectures Inspirational Test heavy
Past quarters
SOC 131
90 / 90 Full
Political Sociology
Erik Nielsen 3.9
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
60.3% A
SOC 147
90 / 90 Full
Current Issues in Social Psychology
Erik Nielsen 3.9
08:00 AM - 09:15 AM
54.1% A
SOC 185A
90 / 90 Full
Development of Sociological Thought
Erik Nielsen 3.9
08:00 AM - 09:15 AM
48.3% A
See All
SOC 130ST Nielsen E S Spring 2024 Total: 151
SOC 131 Nielsen E S Spring 2024 Total: 85
SOC 185A Nielsen E S Spring 2024 Total: 86
SOC 130ST Nielsen E S Winter 2024 Total: 85
See All
SOC126URBAN . Nielsen E S 2 Months Ago

Professor Nielsen is a great professor. Online exams, he is easygoing, kind, and caring. Lectures were interesting, graded by some papers, criteria for the papers is always clear and if you follow them well you should do very well. Always willing to help and answer questions. Take classes with him if you can

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SOC149 . Nielsen E S 3 Months Ago

Was a really good professor, although they do kinda send the guidelines for the essay very last minute but was an interesting course!

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SOC149 . Nielsen E S 3 Months Ago

one book to read, weekly personality tests, 2 papers, a midterm, final paper, and final exam. didn't upload the instructions for papers until the week it was due so that was pretty stressful. iclicker attendance, but all of the exams are take-home/open note. overall good professor and really interesting class, but could be a little more organized.

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ENVS3 . Nielsen E S 4 Months Ago

I thought Nielsen was great. The workload was a little heavy, a quiz and essay due every other week, but the class was pretty easy overall. Lecture was easy to follow even if a bit boring at times, and I liked Nielsen as a person. Good class.

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SOC130ST . Nielsen E S 4 Months Ago

I've taken 3 courses with Nielsen, and he's great. His lectures are sometimes boring, but if you're looking for an easy class, take him! His classes are formatted the same, with 2-3 short essays, and 3 multiple choice, open-note at home exams. Exam answers are all in the notes, and he gives you a study guide. No other assignments other than that!

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SOC130ST . Nielsen E S 10 Months Ago

The class was interesting and the lectures were engaging but the work load was very dense. One of the most work heavy course in SOC we had three exams, three papers, and weekly forum posts. There is no breaks with this class there is always a lot of work coming up.

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SOC131 . Nielsen E S 11 Months Ago

I really enjoyed this class and felt like it improved my understanding of global politics. The surveys were fun to take each week, there were only 2 online exams and 2 reflection papers which was great. The workload was easy and the only downside was the attendance and weekly discussion posts.

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SOC130ST . Nielsen E S 11 Months Ago

Professor Nielsen did a great job teaching this course. It was dense, with a lot of information, but he presented it well on lecture slides and readings. Tests were online and there were a few papers, but they were manageable. The only downside was attendance and the weekly discussion posts.

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SOC131 . Nielsen E S 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

assigns a group project over thanksgiving! 2 exams 2 essays 1 group project weekly discussion posts due on Sundays Lot of information each day , very interesting but he is a little boring. he is funny though at times.slides are easy to take notes off of so going to class is not very neccsary.

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SOC131 . Nielsen E S 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Good class overall. Lectures had interesting content which was presented well. Professor used an online discussion forum which we had to subscribe to that was kind of expensive and got to be very tedious throughout the quarter. Course content felt easy enough to process, but the exams were kind of tough at times. Other assignments were easy enough.

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SOC185S . Nielsen E S 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Professor Nielsen is such a nice guy and a great lecturer. If you follow the essay rubrics exactly you will get very good grades. He is very funny and will make you LOVE class

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SOC185S . Nielsen E S 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Professor Nielson is a pretty personable guy. Participation does matter, he took it through in class surveys through this website called PackBack. The essays were graded pretty easily but the exams would have some unfamiliar material. First two exam were not cumulative, final is cumulative. Good guy overall though.

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