Zack Grossman

72 reviews
Clear grading criteria Amazing lectures Would take again Caring Skip class? You won't pass. Gives good feedback Inspirational Respected Test heavy Graded by few things Tough grader Get ready to read Participation matters Lots of homework Hilarious Beware of pop quizzes Lecture heavy
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ECO4455 . 5 Years Ago

If your learning strategy is memorizing slides, definitions, and so on, you're going to struggle in Dr. Grossman's classes. He puts a strong emphasis on the concepts covered. 90% of the questions you will see on tests are about applying concepts to sophisticated scenarios. If you understand concepts and then wing it on tests, this is your guy.

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100B . 7 Years Ago

The only thing that matters is the tests. You could only show up for those and get an A. His teaching is very straightforward, and essentially equivalent to reading the lecture slide on your own. The book is COMPLETELY useless, and actually overcomplicates everything. Simply going to class or reading the slides is enough.

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ECON100B . 7 Years Ago

Your grade is based on your performance on three tests and three quizzes. The good news is this class is easier that Econ 10A. I like his lectures and he goes over how to solve the more difficult problems. You'll still have to grind through some of the practice problems without much of a base to go on, but that seems to be typical of UCSB econ.

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ECON100B . 7 Years Ago

nice teacher! good luck. i will say he is nice but not that easy.

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100B . 8 Years Ago

Dr. Grossman is a nice guy, but his lectures focus on the wrong stuff. He spends too much time on theory which most people should already know. He needs to spend more lecture time explaining how to do the practice problems. I find that I have to teach myself how to do the problems and his powerpoints on GS aren't much help.

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100B . 8 Years Ago

I took this class over the summer and it made me fall in love with Economics. Grossman is a really fun professor, I went to every single lecture. I recommend taking this class with him over the summer because the exams were straightforward as long as you did the practice problems.

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100B . 8 Years Ago

Professor Grossman is one of the best professors I had in the econ department. His practice questions and exams helped me prepare for the exams, and luckily, the exams were quite similar to the practices. Do all the questions, and don't hesitate to go to office hours or to email regarding questions. Prof. Grossman truly does want to help.

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ECON171 . 9 Years Ago

Zack is pretty cool! When you go to his OH, you can see cute pictures painted by his son:) I like the way he teaches, you will begin from coin game and then the theory, and finally find the easiest way to solve problem. But you need practice.

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ECON100B . 9 Years Ago

Prof. Grossman is a nice guy for sure. His lectures are helpful, but very dry materials. Can't skip any classes if you want a good grade. Have to do all the practice problems in order to survive. His office hour is always helpful, and he's willing to answer questions. There are no HWs. Materials are not that hard, but super hard to get A(92).

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100B . 9 Years Ago

Take him!!! Professor Grossman is the best econ teacher I've had. He explains the material clearly and makes it easier to understand. He is enthusiastic about the class, which makes class more enjoyable. He really wants his students to succeed and does everything he can to help you. Office hours are helpful and he gives plenty of practice material.

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ECON100B . 9 Years Ago

Very energetic and passionate lecturer, kind and welcoming towards students. Took during summer, so maybe topics tested weren't as challenging. Personally felt the material wasn't as hard as expected, 10a was more difficult. Very helpful during office hours! Gave plenty of practice problems. Tests are mult choice and FRQs. My fave econ prof so far.

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205A . 9 Years Ago

Lectures are very clear. Always helpful in OHs. Those said the tests were tricky is because they didn't understand the theory thoroughly. I once thought the same way, but when I learnt better, I would say that were good tests.

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