I took Econ 3B with him 10 years ago and went on to be his tutor and grader. I started with a big 4 out of college that I am still with today and I still use things Sanders taught me and think back to his lectures.
Sander is an excellent professor. Yes he is disorganized and a mess in his teaching but his real life experience and ability to teach students is remarkable. You can not get by in this class by memorizing. His unique approach to teaching forces students to actually understand and apply key accounting theories. Best accounting teacher, not easiest.
Hands down, the best accounting professor at UCSB. When I had lost hope in accounting he made it interesting again. The only class I will willingly sit first row. He truly cares about his students, go to his office hours. If you follow what he says to do, hw before class study the specific problems, class is easy. Best prof I have had a SB. Budman!
Some people say Sander is the killer, some say Sander the slaughter, but I would rather say sander is the hunter. He intends to hunt the right person who really talented in accounting, only the people who survived in the class will be most likely to have a bright future in accounting career. If you believe you are talented, sander is the man.
Sander is the killer, the slaughter. Maybe since 136c is the last class of financial accounting, this is class is not about teaching, but to destroy your confidence of your college study. His materials are full of mistakes, and very hard to read. I used to believe that if you study hard, you will be fine, but his class change the way of my logic.
Really nice guy, but this class was the worst. SO disorganized. Instructs you to read the book, but uses his own methods on exams, so it is just confusing and a waste of time to learn the book methods. Unfortunately, all acct majors will have to take this class, so STUDY THE PRACTICE EXAMS even though they are extremely messy and full of errors!
When I took his ECON 118 last year, I began to doubt that whether I should major in accounting or not, this year, I take his 136C, and my doubting ended. I began to realize that I am a complete loser in accounting, I should not major in it. I eventually begin to reconsider my life.
The material itself is not very difficult, but Sander is not very organized, which makes studying and learning more difficult. Tests based on in-class examples. Last few weeks of class material not covered in textbooks so you need to go to lecture.
Material is difficult but doable. Problem sets he gives cover more scenarios than the book. EXTREMELY unorganized. Past exam answer keys are hand written, difficult to read, and sometimes wrong. Take past exams over and over and you will get a decent grade. Class is not mandatory but he collects hwk randomly. Lectures are boring and hard to follow.
Sander is the man. His class is killer, the material is extremely difficult, and his stuff is very unorganized. He posts all the old exams, but some have incorrect answers or typos which makes it hard to study. My advice is to do every problem you can, and if you don't understand something go to office hours and ask. Hes very fair and wants to help
Sander is a really cool and funny guy and makes a somewhat dry subject very entertaining. But he is very disorganized and his lectures can be hard to follow so I read the book a lot. STUDY THE PRACTICE TESTS. They are identical. His tests are difficult but those will help a ton. Go to class, if you listen well, you don't really need to read
So unorganized. Cool and funny but so hard to follow his lectures.