Kane Anderson

32 reviews
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ARTST7A . 11 Years Ago

Kane is a cool rahul! He really got me thinking about what I like about art. He's good at multiple media nad gave me critiques that helped a lot. His attendance policy was kind harsh. But he always met with me when I needed help. He can be a little slow with grading, but I think that's because he had to put up with also teaching Writ2 the same time

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WRIT2 . 11 Years Ago

Kane is a boss! He's one of my favorite professors at UCSB. He is a saucy character with dark humor, it made his 8am class more lively. I had him for writ2 and learned quite a lot. His prompts can be a bit confusing, but that's what writing lab is for. Overall he's a great writing professor. I wish I had the chance to take him for theater too!

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WRIT2 . 11 Years Ago

May be a good teacher for theater classes, but not for taking writing 2. All you will hear are your friends say writing 2 is a stress free class, and it will be, as long as you don't take Kane. Not a good writing 2 teacher in my opinion.

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WRITNONE . 12 Years Ago

Kane is really funny and sassy and makes the class fun. The writing is a pain in the ass but he makes things pretty clear. Lots of group work too.

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WRIT2 . 12 Years Ago

Interesting class, gave some great tips regarding writing for other classes/departments in the university. Prompts are hard to understand sometimes, but thats what office hours and an (almost) two hour class period are for. Ask questions, and Kane will make sure you understand the information.

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WRIT2 . 12 Years Ago

I wish I could take acing with Kane. He's my writing 2 TA now and he's really funny. We don't have the same issue with lateness but he the class is a lot of work. He is good at teaching us how to get to the point of readings quickly and other tips for "work smarter, not harder". Only thing: his prompts are hard. Visit his office hours to get help.

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THTR5 . 12 Years Ago

I took class with Kane over the sumer and he was pretty good. the class was harder than I expected and I confess that I didn't always know what he wanted from exercises until after he did them. But I also really enjoyed his class--even if he gave me an A-

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THTR2D . 12 Years Ago

Kane was my TA for the Latin Theater class. It is a lecture class so i didn't know we would have to perform at the end but Kane worked with us and I actually enjoyd it. He is a talker but often funny. If he knows you can take it, he'll pick on you. One thing: do the reading. He will sit in silence until someone talks.

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THTR5 . 13 Years Ago

Kane is lovely! His sense of humor can be a bit abrasive at times, but it's all in good fun. Don't take him too seriously, just go with the Kane flow and you'll have a great time and receive a great grade. There's very minimal work and if you actually do it (please do), you'll be his favorite.

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THTR5 . 13 Years Ago

TAKE THIS CLASS. Kane is awesome. He is hilarious and fun. He is very energetic and really crazy. The quizzes are easy,but he is a bit of a tough grader on the papers. This was by far my favorite class and from what I have heard, Kane is by far the best theater 5 teacher.

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THTR5 . 13 Years Ago

All right, here's the deal with his class: Kanes hard on attendance but really funny. He gives quizzes and has you see plays. But most o the time it's a cool class. I met some of my best friends thru Kane.

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THTR5 . 13 Years Ago

We luv Kane!!!! He's probably certifiably crazy but he's fun and keeps us on our toes lots. THe plays he makes us see aren't great--but he doesn't get to choose them. He's got a lot of energy And u better not be late!!! I've heard about other THtr 5 teachers--Kane is th best!!!

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