Ethan Tussey

5 reviews
Past quarters


FLMST70 . 13 Years Ago

Really nice and upbeat super fun and interesting. Loved the class

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WRIT2 . 15 Years Ago

A really fun and upbeat guy! He bases the focus of the papers around HIS interests which is kind of annoying but its not so bad. Easy paper grader! Show up to class and look like your half trying and you will get an A :)

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WRIT2 . 15 Years Ago

pretty easy teacher, nice guy. willing to help whenever, very approachable. he is confusing sometimes with what exactly he wants you to do but definitely easy to pass his class.

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WRIT2 . 16 Years Ago

pretty cool guy...passing isnt the hard part of the class understanding how he wants you to write a paper is

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WRT2 . 16 Years Ago

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