Jamison Steidl

12 reviews
Past quarters


GEO20 . 14 Years Ago

He's a really good professor! He explains everything so clearly if you are interested and pay attention, this class was a piece of cake to me. You don't need to read a lot if you pay attention (everything is from the lectures) and he is really nice and cares about students understanding. One of the best professors I've ever had!

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GEO101 . 14 Years Ago

Not my favorite subject but professor made it interesting.

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GEO20 . 14 Years Ago

he is tells u that he goes fast and doesnt curve.. there r extra credit points available...he just just very boring to me though..like i hated going to class.. only reason u do hw is so u can pass the quiz in section..i dont recommend u take this clas if u d, take it pass/no pass and save yourself the stress

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GEOL20 . 15 Years Ago

This class was a breeze. I only went to the first two classes, the midterm, and the final and I got an A-. Lectures are online, so all you need to do is go to section, do the extra credit, and read the book. He also kind of looks like Matt Damon!

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GEOL20 . 15 Years Ago

This professor taught a good class in my opinion. A few things about the class WHICH he tells you: he goes through slides fast (but puts them online), and does not curve the class. Even though there is no curve, there are lots of opportunities for extra credit. The people who complain about the class are the ones who didn't do well. Class is ez

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GEO20 . 15 Years Ago

Lectures are pointless to go to; he posts slides online and reads right off them. He's a nice guy, but the finals and midterms were WAY too hard! I studied for hours, w/ flashcards, and thought i knew everything, and barely got a B-. Lots of chances for extra credit,lets you count the final as double, but the class is harder than it should be.

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GEO20 . 15 Years Ago

tests are too hard and no curve. he is completely unaware that he is class is being taken for General Ed requirements. absolutely ridiculous.

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GEOL20 . 15 Years Ago

THIS PROFESSOR IS SO BORING. He posts the notes online so you think you'll just look at those but you don't. You don't go to class because he's boring. You don't go to section because it's optional. You decide mid-quarter to take it pass/no pass because this class that sounds interesting is actually a boring waste of time. DO NOT TAKE.

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GEOL20 . 16 Years Ago

Boring lectures and readings. The material isn't too difficult but his tests were very hard (even though they were multiple choice). Discussions were boring as well, they didn't help me to understand the material any better. I would not recommend this class.

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EART20 . 16 Years Ago

Horrible prof. Not helpful in the least. Go to section instead of lecture if you want to learn anything. My TA Sarah Fowler was incredible. It seems easy enough but the tests (midterm and final are each 50% of the grade) are really really hard.

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EART20 . 16 Years Ago

Monotonous lecturer. Lectures are word-for-word out of the textbook. Material seems easy, but tests are incredibly difficult. Midterm and final are each half of the total grade, but he does have some opportunities for extra credit. 40% of the class failed the midterm and he didn't curve it. If you HAVE to take this class, read the book!!!!!

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GEOL20 . 17 Years Ago

Seemed like an easy and interesting class, but his tests are ridiculously difficult. The class average for the midterm was a D and he wouldn't curve it. The lectures are really boring and he goes too fast through his slides.

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