David Paul

25 reviews
Get ready to read Amazing lectures Caring Gives good feedback Inspirational So many papers Respected Accessible outside class
Past quarters


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MUS 5C Paul D C Spring 2023 Total: 25
MUS 116 Paul D C Spring 2023 Total: 32
MUS 5B Paul D C Winter 2023 Total: 26
MUS 3B Paul D C Winter 2023 Total: 31
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MUS3C . Paul D C 2 Years Ago

I loved him! He is such an articulate and intelligent man that it made you want to listen to the things that he had to say. Although it was a lot of reading, it was really interesting. He definitely made me view writing differently after taking the class.

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MUS116 . Paul D C 4 Years Ago

Paul is such a gem! He is very understanding and lenient of people's situations if you just communicate with him. Grades are based on 3 papers and 5-6 journals so do them all and you'll be fine. Every week there are about 2-3 articles to read that are discussed in class. Overall I would definitely take another class with Paul if I could.

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MUS116 . Paul D C 4 Years Ago

Paul was easily one of the best professors I've had at UCSB so far. He was so understanding of current situations and allowed leeway if people needed more time on assignments. Class is only based on a few journal assignments and 3 essays-- no exams. He truly loves what he teaches so that made the class very enjoyable.

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MUS3C . Paul D C 7 Years Ago

Very straightforward, intelligent professor. No tests. He loves to give writing assignments. Stay on top of them and you will be fine.

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MUSIC12 . Paul D C 12 Years Ago

Prof. Paul is one of my best music teachers I've had. He is extremely clear with the topics he addresses and always enthusiastic in helping students. He always wants students to come to office hours and loves talking with students and getting to know them. Take a class from him!

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MUSIC15 . Paul D C 12 Years Ago

such an easy class, and nice professor. 2 simple listening quizes, and journals, and that was it, it was a breeze. plus the professor reminds me of Ross from friends, which was kind of fun

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MUS15 . Paul D C 12 Years Ago

Professor Paul is one of the best professors I've ever had. The class is easy but really interesting, and the TAs are wonderful as well. Go to lecture, he's a really nice guy. It's a low stress class, especially since the midterm and final are just listening quizzes. Probably my favorite course I've taken at UCSB.

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MUS15 . Paul D C 12 Years Ago

If you don't get an A in this class, you should be expelled. End of story. Nevertheless, Paul is a great professor. Fun, straight forward and simple.

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MUSIC15 . Paul D C 12 Years Ago

Really grate professor. Passionate about what he is teaching and really tries to reach out to the class. Jokes with you and realizes that some of you just don't care and are there for the easy A which he lets you have. I will take ANY class he teaches!

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MUS15 . Paul D C 13 Years Ago

As long as Music15 stays way it was last quarter, I definitely recommend taking it for a GE/GPA booster. The book is useless since all of his notes come straight from it. A good majority of your grade depends on your TA though. Jacob was nice but he graded the journals fairly hard. Regardless, I put in VERY little effort and ended up w/ a 95%.

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MUS15 . Paul D C 13 Years Ago

SUCH AN EASY CLASS. Seriously, I got an A and never opened the book or went to class. He posts the lectures online, perfect to write journals. The papers are easy as well. And the midterm and final involve memorizing songs. GPA booster!

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MUS15 . Paul D C 13 Years Ago

This class was by far the easiest class I have taken at ucsb so far. There is no midterm or final just two listening quizzes which are pretty easy (average score was a around a 95%). Music journals make up the bulk of the grade 25% and I only had to write two papers which were less than 3 pages each. Prof is clear & confident. Highly recommended.

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