I will put it this way.. The material is super easy as are the test. Oh did I forget to mention he grades it all based on what he thinks the answer is instead of what it actually could. He will present you with a curve.. don't believe it as somehow no one got the grade the curve said they were supposed to get and everyone is repealing it. BS!
This class is super easy. The tests ask about the anecdotes he uses in class, so as long as you go to lecture you're golden. I actually enjoyed the class and thought he presented the topics in a way that was interesting.
The content is really easy; it's just writing about concepts and not so much math or graphs. Tests would be easy but Koch had a full retard grader who took off points at his leisure. If you file for a regrade you get a lot of the points back. Koch was lazy as sht and took years to get our exams back. Textbook is useless. Just don't miss lecture.
This class is an elective class for business econ majors who are kinda dumb, so it's really easy if you have any common sense. You don't even have to go to lectures just make sure you do the HW and show up for the exams.
Most interesting and easiest Econ class I've taken and I usually have to work my butt off in Econ. Attend lectures & take good notes. Remember to do the take home quizzes. He doesn't remind you when they're due. Never had him for 100AB so I actually think he's great. Real world application. I'd recommend it.
Interesting class--timely topic. I enjoyed the presentations. Tests are hard, but based on lectures. Going to office hours helped too.
170 is Koch's specialty. Content of lectures are interesting/ apply to the real world but his voice and monotonous tone puts me to sleep. Book is rarely used and doesn't help. Attend lectures, take notes and understand them, you'll do well in the class. Wish Mr.Koch directs you on WHAT to study for on the midterms since there is a lot of material.
Health Econ is Koch's specialty. His lectures are interesting and apply to the real world, although his voice and monotonous tone put me to sleep. The book is rarely used at all and doesn't help. Attend lectures, take notes and understand them, you'll do well in the class. Wish Mr. Koch directs you on WHAT to study for on the midterms since there i
I don't know what people are complaining about. I really enjoyed lectures and Koch was always available during office hours and seemed genuinely interested in students' success. I'd take another of his classes any quarter.
If you hated Koch in 100A, taking 170 will just reaffirm your hatred toward him. After going through his torturous lectures and seemingly random tests in 100A, I thought he would be better somehow in 170. But no, he's practically the same. he seems to be a good researcher, but he's just bad at teaching.
This course was very difficult. 2 midterm, 25% each and a final. There's no room for error in this course. His lectures have absolutely nothing to do with the exams, not to mention that all the coffee in the world couldn't keep you awake in that clas
Absolutely the WORST teacher at UCSB, and I've gone through my fair share. I think he only teaches because the university makes it a requirement in order to do research, so he doesn't really care about the class. He's a smart guy but incredibly horrible at teaching economics. Don't take him and save yourself the headache.