Dominique Jullien

22 reviews
Participation matters Get ready to read Graded by few things Lots of homework Caring Test heavy
Past quarters
C LIT 101
27 / 30 Enrolled
Introduction to Literary and Critical Theory
Dominique Jullien 3.0
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
69.0% A
C LIT 197
4 / 5 Enrolled
Junior/Senior Seminar
Dominique Jullien 3.0
14:00 PM - 16:50 PM
61.3% A
C LIT 197H
0 / 5 Enrolled
Senior Honors Seminar
Dominique Jullien 3.0
14:00 PM - 16:50 PM
C LIT 200
4 / 5 Enrolled
Seminar in Comparative Literature
Dominique Jullien 3.0
14:00 PM - 16:50 PM
93.8% A
See All
FR1533D . 2 Years Ago

Usually 2-3 readings a week and a one-question MC "quiz" at the start of each class. No need to buy anything, she provides online pdfs of the readings. One midterm, one final, and the rest is attendance/participation. Amazing academic and hilarious teacher. Some have expressed difficulty in getting accommodations with her though.

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CLIT191 . 2 Years Ago

This class includes 2-3 readers per week. I did not think the workload was unreasonable. I think that Prof. Jullien does a good job of leading the class's conversation, and the readings themselves were interesting. Overall, pretty straightforward. Graded on participation and 2 exams. She is fair. If you want to succeed it is definitely possible.

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CLIT191 . 2 Years Ago

Inaccessible outside of class, doesn't know how to speak to students not in the major, unclear and inconsistent grading, only a midterm and final for grade. Brilliant academic, horrible teacher.

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CLIT121 . 7 Years Ago

Class is tough because it is reading heavy, but she explains very well in class so you have to go if you want to understand. Not a tough grader, and loves when people show interest and ask questions. Go to office hours or talk to her after class, she is very kind and seems to care about her students.

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MCDB27 . 8 Years Ago

Professor Jullien is a very smart lady. Although she is very quiet during lectures, they are still engaging, as long as you did the reading! Also, take advantage of office hours because she is very sweet and answers all your questions! She appreciates when you take time to come see her with specific questions. Overall a good class!

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FR101C . 9 Years Ago

Madame Jullien is a very sweet woman. She does, as everyone said, have a soft voice, but it's part of her nice personality. That being said, don't let the soft voice deceive you, she is a very strong academic and her grading is confusing until you approach her, at which point she's more than happy to help! If you visit office hours, she's great!

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CLIT27 . 9 Years Ago

This class seems so interesting, but the lectures are so dry and brutal that it somehow makes the topics excruciating to learn about. The final and midterm are both pretty tough, and there is just so much information to know for it. I wouldn't recommend this class.

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CLIT1094 . 10 Years Ago

Although Prof. Jullien tends to be too quiet, and the class isn't particularly hard, I loved it. I recommend taking advantage of her office hours because she always answers your questions thoughtfully and helpfully. She is a very kind and intelligent lady.

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FR101B . 11 Years Ago

Being quiet doesn't make one a bad professor. She gets across points from the readings that are worth thinking about and that help students understand the time period being studied. Come to her with direct/prepared questions in office hours, participate, and try to keep up with readings and you should be good.

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CLIT1094 . 12 Years Ago

Although she can be too quiet sometimes, she is obviously passionate about the subject and that comes across, especially in office hours (take advantage of them!). Make sure to keep up with the readings! The tests are easy though and she is a generous grader.

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MCDB27 . 12 Years Ago

She needs to know how to use a microphone because you can barely hear her during lectures. It gets boring to listen to her. Unfortunately, you have to go to lecture because of clicker questions. If you do the reading, you'll be fine for the tests.

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CLIT191 . 13 Years Ago

Soft spoken. Course is so easy though, just go to lecture and take notes on why parts of the stories are Fantastic. Easy A if you dont just regurgitate the plots on the midterm/final.

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