Hugh O'Neil

10 reviews
Would take again Gives good feedback
Past quarters


PHYS128AL . 9 Years Ago

This was a lab so the TA's did all of the lab grading but were very generous. Hugh graded the presentation as well as our 3D printing design. He was an awesome guy, gave off the cool Uncle vibe. He brought coffee and cookies to our presentations. Very reasonable and I felt really relaxed even when I was behind. Never felt overburdened with work

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ASTRO1 . 11 Years Ago

Awesome class!!!!! He is very helpful and the class is not that bad you just need to know how to use some equations (which they are given for every test). Weekly hw's are annoying but they count for 20% of the grade. Final is worth 50% of the grade!!!!! The curved was really helpful though.

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ASTRO1 . 11 Years Ago

O'Neil's class was straightforward and relatively easy. He's really passionate about astronomy and about teaching. Section is optional. Weekly homework, multiple choice midterm & final. The curve is really helpful.

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ASTRO1 . 11 Years Ago

It's cute how passionate he is about the subject! :)

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ASTRO1 . 11 Years Ago

Seems to be more interested in experiments than teaching what we need to know for exams (especially math/calculations). Very knowledgable about concepts and an overall nice guy. I wish this class had had a physics prerequisite so I would have been turned off from taking it.

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PHYS6C . 12 Years Ago

Best professor I've had at UCSB! Great and interesting lectures, super helpful and straight forward exams. If you can take Phyics with O'NeiL

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PHYS2 . 12 Years Ago

Really cool guy, but he talks more about his research than the course material. However, he is really helpful when you ask him questions. His test was kinda hard, but doable.

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PHYS2 . 12 Years Ago

Really Nice guy, enthusiastic. Had some cool demonstrations and could relate most things back to something in the real world. Still uses Freedman's lecture style though, so expect annoying Mastering Physics homework and iClicker questions to make you come to class.

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ASTRO1 . 16 Years Ago

His lectures were pretty useless but the class was fairly easy. As long as you read and understand the book you should be fine. The days i went to lecture I pretty much fell asleep but still got an A in the class. Interesting material but class was boring. We had two midterms and a final and they were all curved bigtime!!

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ASTRO1 . 17 Years Ago

not a very good teacher, although this was his first time as being a full time professor (formerly was a TA). His lectures are pretty boring, reading is definitely helpful.. he seems like he really is a good guy, but not a very good professor.. at least not yet

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