Ulrich Keller

16 reviews
Would take again Skip class? You won't pass. Amazing lectures Lecture heavy
Past quarters


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ARTHI6G . 7 Years Ago

Lectures were sometimes tough to sit through, but he is very knowledgeable and really enthusiastic. He makes jokes and provides interesting contexts for each photo! One paper, a midterm, and a final. Readings are supplemental though I don't think they're mandatory if you want to pass the class. You do have to memorize names and dates for exams!!

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ARTH6G . 10 Years Ago

I really liked this class. Even though his lectures were pretty tough to sit through, he is a brilliant man and is worth listening to. He knows SO much and is really enthusiastic about the material. Congratulations on your retirement!

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ARTHI6G . 10 Years Ago

He's clearly a brilliant man and very educated in the history of photography, as well as an amazing photographer (although he does not mention this in class). Great teacher, super interesting material.

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ARTHI6G . 10 Years Ago

I'm a photographer and I'm obsessed with photography, but class was disappointing. Lectures were extremely boring. RARELY used the textbook. Keller often gets of topic in lecture. The TAs' sections seemed disconnected from the lecture materials. TAs were not very helpful in office hours. I got my art GE done, but I DONT recommend this class.

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ARTHI6G . 11 Years Ago

Keller's 8 AM lectures are killer and absolutely boring and probably not necessary. Your grade will depend on your memorization skills, as you need to memorize about 100 images per exam (midterm and final) as well as the last name of the photographer and the date taken. Do the readings for the exams!! Overall, not too bad.

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ARTHI6G . 11 Years Ago

Great class, it gets pretty hard to stay awake at 8pm sometimes but was definitely worth it. Keller is very informative & makes great connections across the field, u hear a lot about artists' lives and that was very interesting.

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ARTHI6G . 11 Years Ago

Boring class. The professor is quite monotonous and likes to go off on a tangent often.

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ARTHI6G . 11 Years Ago

Unrealistic expectations for memorization of images. Have to do a lot of reading and are expected to know things that are not discussed in lecture at all.

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ARTHI6G . 13 Years Ago

I liked this class. For the tests: know the photos [there's a trick: group photos +/- 2 years into one year and study them together] and info about the periods. Not hard. He's very knowledgeable! The class is good; bring coffee.

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ARTH6G . 14 Years Ago

Besides the 8am lecture, for the most part, i loved this class. Keller really knows what he's talking about and you can tell he likes teaching the subject. Lectures are mandatory, and the last one, he fell off the stage which was sad but entertaining. You should take this class if you like photo and don't mind history obviously

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ARTH186T . 14 Years Ago

Besides the bad breath and weird noises this guy isn't that bad. Try not to take him too early in the morning though because he is extremely dull. He never assigned a mid-term or final just think pieces every week and one final paper. Do the readings though because he will give a quiz on the material and it will be extremely convoluted.

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ARTHI6G . 15 Years Ago

like everyone else said, it's really difficult to stay awake and motivate yourself to get to this class. but attendance is KEY. material was interesting and he basically told the biographies and life stories of each photographer. you really need to listen and be able to take notes simply based on what you hear. book is necessary for tests

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