Auli Ek

44 reviews
Participation matters Group projects Tough grader Skip class? You won't pass. Gives good feedback Clear grading criteria Would take again Graded by few things
Past quarters


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107EP . 3 Years Ago

Professor Ek is very interesting. She can come off harsh, but if you make time to talk to her, she will come across a lot clearer. I took this class virtually in Spring and it was basically one giant group project- which was really hard to plan considering my group had to zoom to get anything done. The subject matter was interesting and useful

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WRIT107EP . 4 Years Ago

The workload is not heavy at all, it takes less time to complete the tasks than the lower-division writing class. It is great that she often end the lecture early, but at the same time I did not learn much things from this course. I would say her course is a good choice for completing GE----- take little efforts but not learning things.

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WRIT107EP . 5 Years Ago

Auli is a fine professor but I wouldn't recommend her if you didn't have to take her class. She is extremely unclear about what she wants and constantly changes her mind. You have to email her word docs because pdfs make her computer crash but they get all messed up and she sees something unformatted and grades on that. She doesn't use gauchospace.

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WRIT50 . 5 Years Ago

Easy A if you do all the assignments, which are not very hard.

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WRIT107B . 6 Years Ago

This is the worst prof I have had in during my college years. She doesn't remember what she just said. Sometimes she just grades against what she just taught us. If you are an active student, you will be taking points off for "not giving her chance to speak". She feels no responsibility at all. Definitely not taking this prof again.

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WRIT107B . 7 Years Ago

Avoid at all costs!! Very unclear about grading criteria, will essentially give you whatever grade she feels like without being able to explain. Most professors make this class easy but with Ek she is too unpredictable and unclear (figuratively and literally with her strong accent). Worst professor I have had at UCSB

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WRIT107B . 7 Years Ago

One major business project with group members. Grades a bit tougher than expected. However, I found her "toughness" to be very beneficial. Learned a lot from her. Her past students seemed to be successful in winning proposal competitions. The reader wasn't used frequently but was only $5.

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WRIT107G . 8 Years Ago

The whole class is one big group project. I went into office hours every week and at the end of the quarter when I ran my paper by her and she said there was nothing wrong with it. Then she gave me a B- on the paper and a 40% on the final oral presentation even though when I asked she couldn't name anything specifically wrong with my presentation

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WRIT107B . 8 Years Ago

W107B is supposed to be one of the easiest major classes. Everybody said it's an easy and useful class. However, Auli grades much tougher than any other W107B professor. She's a nice lady, but she makes an interesting and easy class difficult and boring. I expect a high grade, but I would suggest taking it with another professor if you could.

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WRIT107L . 8 Years Ago

I really enjoyed Ek's class. She goes over every specific detail she expects you to include in your papers, though she can be a bit condescending if you ask her questions. You can't really be sensitive if you ask for help, she'll criticize your work very harshly but is definitely constructive. I would take her again.

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WRIT2 . 10 Years Ago

This class was very easy for me. I am a good writer, so I'm not sure how the class was for people who need practice. Dr Ek is a very nice lady and always wants to help you. You should buy her reader, but you don't really have to do the "homework" because the readings are always discussed in class. i was surprised by how interesting the topics were.

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WRITING2 . 10 Years Ago

Very nice teacher. Class was really boring though. If you go to office hours she is annoyingly ambiguous with what she wants you to change in your essays. Not a hard class, mostly busy work.

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