William Warner

17 reviews
Skip class? You won't pass. Beware of pop quizzes Tough grader Participation matters Would take again Caring Respected Lecture heavy
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ENGL102 . 8 Years Ago

Highly recommended for non-English majors, as he is one of the easier profs. I barely went to class (he uploads his slides) and I managed a good grade. Very approachable but really not necessary to speak to him unless you want to. Make sure to read the books and just review the slides for the exams and you should pass easily.

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ENGL197 . 8 Years Ago

I had him for the English major seminar on Jane Austen, and it's the best class I've taken at UCSB. I never thought I'd be into 19th century British literature, but his enthusiasm for it and great discussions quickly changed my mind. He really cares about his students and office hours are helpful.

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ENGL198 . 9 Years Ago

Professor Warner is a great teacher and you will get an A so long as you attend class, keep off of your cell phone, and complete all of the assignments on time.

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ENGL126A . 9 Years Ago

At first I really hated this class. I was really confused what I was supposed to be paying attention to, but in the end it was so easy. The quizzes are easy if you've read but sometimes impossible to BS an answer if you didn't. Final was the easiest thing, I finished in minutes. No midterm and papers were short. Lecture was boring though.

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ENGL126A . 10 Years Ago

He never checks his grammar (all slides and emails have horrendous grammar) and he is an English professor. His grading is absurd and his questions are too ambiguous whereas his expected responses are specific. He never spends enough time on slides so no one receives the notes. This is my last year here and I have never had such a bad teacher.

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ENG165 . 11 Years Ago

Super dry material, class was nevr engaged. He cannot tie in any of the concepts to anything that actually matters and will gladly lower your grade for nt understanding his vague instructions. Worst prof at UCSB. Perhaps he is an amazing researcher, but teaching is not his thing.

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ENGL232 . 13 Years Ago

I am in Professor Warner's gradaute course and LOVE everything about it. He chooses great readings (not boring) and explains everything very clearly in class.

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ENG102 . 13 Years Ago

Good professor, terrible teaching assistants.

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ENGL102 . 13 Years Ago

No Comment.

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ENGL102 . 13 Years Ago

Not a bad guy, decent lectures, but his selection of Teaching Assistants made this course a living nightmare. TA's do not have PHD's, why should they control students' grades?!? Would not recommend : (

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ENG102 . 13 Years Ago

This guy is a tool. Boring lectures and he is horrible at selecting teaching assistants. Worst class I have taken in English Lit here at UCSB.

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ENG165 . 18 Years Ago

steller professor. really knows his**** and presents it in a clear concise manner. highly reccomended..

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