Maribel Bueno

54 reviews
Lots of homework Caring Gives good feedback Tough grader Participation matters Accessible outside class Group projects Would take again Respected Skip class? You won't pass. Test heavy Get ready to read Tests are tough Amazing lectures Clear grading criteria Inspirational Lecture heavy
Past quarters
15 / 20 Enrolled
Problem Solving II
Maribel Bueno 3.5
13:00 PM - 14:15 PM
100.0% A
50 / 50 Full
Matrix Analysis
Maribel Bueno 3.5
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
51.2% A
See All
MATHCS108B . 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Maribel introduces lots of advanced topics in MathCS108B. It is a difficult class but you will learn a lot. She is helpful and willing to talk about anything like hw problems, time management, career goals, etc during office hours. The inquiry-based problems could be quite challenging but you don't need to submit them.

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MATHCS108A . 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Very well-prepared lectures with lots of homework. Weekly quizzes are mandatory but not hard. You need to read lots of notes in order to keep pace with the class and they might not be easy to understand. Maribel's Math CS108AB might be among the most difficult undergraduate math classes in the CCS math department. Generate grader though

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108C . 2 Years Ago

Very easily offended, and rude when she's offended. If you disagree with her, you'd better keep it to yourself. Doesn't put in any effort to understand solutions different from the one she has in mind, when it comes to math or anything else. If you have to take a class with her, try to avoid any interpersonal relationship and you should be ok.

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108C . 3 Years Ago

This class was a great compliment to 108B. It will make 108B easier. She provided endless resources and very cool topics. However, now that lectures are going back irl, this course will probably not be as fun and will not cover as much information. For those taking 108B, I recommend to take this at the same time.

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MATH190 . 4 Years Ago

Maribel is a great professor who really cares about students. She is a bit of a tough grader and I think that makes people have a bad opinion about her, but her feedback is always constructive. I certainly feel like I benefited from her class.

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MATH108C . 4 Years Ago

She was completely unprepared to teach this course in any capacity. There were weekly quizzes online that took 3 hours to do. The quizzes were poorly written, she did not have office hours. She'll ask for feedback but she only wants to hear that she's a good professor even when she fails to teach a course properly. Take math108c with anyone else.

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

Professor bueno is extremely condescending and arrogant. She will be nice at times, then be cruel and say demeaning things to your face, apologize for it, then do this cycle all over again. Sometimes professors just are not the best to work with students. She is one of them.

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MATH4B . 5 Years Ago

Easy A, Unclear grading criteria that changes throughout the quarter, relatively easy questions on test that come directly from the homeworks, take this professor! don't get too far behind

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MATH4B . 5 Years Ago

Amazing!!! She is so patient and kind. Excellent lecture and grading system.

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MATH4B . 5 Years Ago

She is a decent professor but her grading system is all over the place. Grading system should be laid out nice and clear at the beginning of the quarter and amendments should not be made any later than half way through the course. All students should get the same opportunity from the beginning but that is not the case here.

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MATH4B . 5 Years Ago

Professors Bueno really cares about her student's success and encourages you to come to office hours so you can better understand the material. I'm sitting at a B average right now, and it isn't all that difficult if you go to lecture and read. Lectures were not mandatory but section was.

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MATH4B . 6 Years Ago

Doing the homework wrong for twice, you get zero points for the question. Textbook costs 100 dollars.

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