Edmond Johnson

27 reviews
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WRT2 . 14 Years Ago

Super helpful teacher, always available to talk during office hours. Great to get for a writing class

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MUSM15 . 16 Years Ago

Incredible Music Class! Johnson always made sure there was video clip from his slides and he always cracked jokes. Attend his lectures for notes and just to have a fun hour. Def would take him again in a heartbeat. Nerdy cute as well.

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MUSIC15 . 16 Years Ago

go to class or else you will get the shaft

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MUS15 . 16 Years Ago

I absolutely loved this class! He is an amazing lecturer! So organized and to the point. He made the otherwise boring content very interesting, and sometimes even funny! Get him as your professor for this class if at all possible!

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MUSIC15 . 16 Years Ago

Man, I hope this guy teaches another class in the near future. Johnson was probably better than any teacher I had in high school. His lectures were very engaging and actually reactivated my interest in classical music. His extra credit test questions are also very amusing.

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MUSIC15 . 16 Years Ago

First off, ONLY take Music 15 if you can get Ed as your professor. Lectures are extremely well organized and straightforward; note taking can be rather tedious though. Reading the book is not necessary. There are only 200 points in the class so you can't screw up or you'll botch your chances of an A. Two short papers, short multiple choice tests.

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MUSIC15 . 16 Years Ago

Medium difficulty. I am thoroughly impressed by his organizational skills. His powerpoints are well done and everything on the test is in his lecture notes and in the 4 CDs. DONT BUY THE MUSIC BOOK (NOT NECESSARY)--SAVE MONEY.

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MUSIC15 . 16 Years Ago

Ed is a good guy that is also intelligent. Listen hard when he starts talking about "theatres", says it with an interesting accent.

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MUSIC15 . 16 Years Ago

He is an amazing teacher! He combines his humor and knowledge to make the class very interesting and worth while. I really gained an appreciation of classical music from his class. Very organized, very clear. Last day of class, everyone clapped and cheered- it was awesome. He deserved it.

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MUSIC15 . 16 Years Ago

great guy. some of the topics are really boring but he makes it interesting with his powerpoints. writing assignments are easy, 2 concert reports, an opera assignment, and 2 essays. midterm and final are from notes. go to class because there are a lot of things you can possibly miss that will be important

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MUS15 . 16 Years Ago

His class was the best organized class I have ever taken! He made it really fun! Tests really are easy if you write down everything from the lectures

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MUS15 . 16 Years Ago

He had funny examples to make music history more entertaining.

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