Nicolasa Sandoval

13 reviews
Clear grading criteria Skip class? You won't pass. Gives good feedback Lecture heavy Participation matters Would take again Inspirational Lots of homework Caring Respected
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ED123 . A Year Ago

She was super easy but not very nice. She was weirdly strict on phones and if you were on your phone during class she would go up to you and embarrass you in front of the class. The class was weekly readings + discussion post, midterm paper, final paper, and a presentation. Also made the class + section combined so it was a three hour class.

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ED123 . 3 Years Ago

Easiest class I've ever taken at SB

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ED123 . 5 Years Ago

Prof Sandoval was the kindest teacher ive had at UCSB. her main focus isn't about grades, its about you learning, engaging, and understanding the material. attendance for section/lecture are mandatory but you are not required to speak in front of the class. she let you fix assignments too. weekly forums post, turn in midterm/final. enjoyable easy A

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ED123 . 8 Years Ago

This class was so long because section was right after but it wasn't bad. You watch a couple movies that are really interesting. You have to do an group presentation in section but it was easy. Lots of online reading. Her expectations were always clear for assignments. No exams but a REALLY easy paper for the midterm and final

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ED123 . 9 Years Ago

Attendance is extremely important because 10% is docked off for every class missed! This class is 3 hours long (2 hour lecture & 1 hour section right afterwards) but it's super easy. Lots of discussion and activities in class so it isn't boring.

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123 . 10 Years Ago

This class was amazing. It really challenged me to think about things that other classes don't focus on. Although sometimes tedious, in the end it was worth it! She doesn't make you talk in class if you don't feel comfortable.

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ED123 . 12 Years Ago

She is one of the nicest professors I've ever had. She truly cares about the subject and you can tell she is passionate. I took this class for units but ended up taking it for a grade because it's so easy. One midterm paper (3-5pg) and one final paper (8-10pg), along with weekly reading questions (easier than it sounds). TAKE THIS CLASS. EASY A!

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ED123 . 13 Years Ago

Niki is amazing. Treats students like colleagues. This class met every Wed. 6-9 (not so bad), attendance=40% of grade the rest was papers, graded vry easily. Honestly one of the most enjoyable and insightful classes I have taken at UCSB, lots of discussion/formed bonds with everyone in the class. Learned lots about culture and people

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CHST139 . 16 Years Ago

Really easy class, also really fun. Nicolasa is really really nice and is willing to help you understand the material better. Not academically challenging at all, I barely did any of the readings and I am fairly confident of the A. Great class for Ethnicity GE

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EDU123 . 17 Years Ago

Best Prof at UCSB, so sweet, just show up to class and participate and thats 40% of your grade. No tests justs papers, ezy A

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EDU123 . 17 Years Ago

Best Prof at UCSB, so sweet, just show up to class and participate and thats 40% of your grade. No tests justs papers, ezy A

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ED125 . 17 Years Ago

One of the best profs I've had. Really nice, understanding, and smart. Open forum for discussion in class. No checks on reading, so if you're a slacker, this one's for you ;)

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