Peter Westwick

5 reviews
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Past quarters


GESM120 . 3 Years Ago

Really cares about his students. His lectures are engaging and class participation is really important but it really builds community. He has an amazing sense of dry humor and loves "Fast Times a Ridgemont High" movie. I recommend watching before coming to class... hell be very impressed. Overall great professor and would take it again!

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GESM120 . 3 Years Ago

The class was full of running jokes and I looked forward to it every time, even during COVID and online school! The reading is a lot sometimes but its more important to grab the big themes from each reading than to know every little thing.

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GESM120 . 3 Years Ago

Really funny guy where if you get to know him you will enjoy the class way more. Not many assignments throughout the semester, but a lot of weekly reading that he chooses and class discussions. Sometimes the lectures can drag on but overall I think he tries to discuss with students throughout and not just lecture.

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ES103S . 15 Years Ago

this class-history of surfing-was taught with 2 profs. he was a really boring lecturer, could have made the class way more exciting and interesting. the other prof was the same way-talked in a slow, monotone voice, and just read directly off his notes. was a lot of writing for this class, but it wasn't too hard.

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HIST106C . 17 Years Ago

Possibly the worst lecturer I've encountered. Constantly says "um" "ah". Difficult to follow and expects far too much.

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