Eric Beltz

14 reviews
Gives good feedback Tough grader Amazing lectures Inspirational Lots of homework Hilarious Respected Accessible outside class
Past quarters
ART 117
21 / 18 Full
Intermediate Drawing
Eric Beltz 4.7
10:00 AM - 14:50 PM
69.5% A
ART 118
17 / 16 Full
Advanced Drawing
Eric Beltz 4.7
13:00 PM - 15:50 PM
79.1% A
See All
ART 117 Beltz E A Spring 2024 Total: 20
ART 118 Beltz E A Spring 2024 Total: 15
ART 18 Beltz E A Winter 2024 Total: 20
ART 117 Beltz E A Winter 2024 Total: 19
See All
ART18 . Beltz E A 1 Year, 1 Month Ago


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ART117 . Beltz E A 2 Years Ago

I learned a lot and grew as an artist. It was A LOT of work, though! I often spent 20 hours on his homework assignments, which are weekly. I tried my very, very hardest but never got full credit on an assignment, needless to say he is a tough grader. HOWEVER, he is always helpful and willing and kind. He just takes his job seriously! I recommend.

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ARTST18 . Beltz E A 10 Years Ago

Eric is by far the best Art professor I have ever had. I learned so much and grew as an artist in his class. I plan to take all of his drawing classes. He is definitely a role model because he is brilliant at what he does.

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ART117 . Beltz E A 13 Years Ago

Absolutely, positively knows his stuff. Has a great sense of humor. Breaks down intimidating subjects into bite-sized, manageable chunks. Calls upon his extensive knowledge of both classical and contemporary art practice to demystify successful draftsmanship and uphold objective standards in representational drawing.

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ARTST18 . Beltz E A 13 Years Ago

He is super chill and extremely helpful. You will leave the class having learned A LOT. I'm looking forward to taking intermediate drawing with him next quarter.

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ARTST117 . Beltz E A 14 Years Ago

I had Professor Beltz for Intermediate Drawing. He is super helpful and kind, and has a chill sense of humor. If you follow his instruction you will do well and learn a lot! I would recommend him to anyone.

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ART18 . Beltz E A 14 Years Ago

AMAZING TEACHER! Teaches and drills basics and really REALLy teaches you and builds strong foundation in various media! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Favorite Art Instructor I have taken thus far!

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ARTST117 . Beltz E A 14 Years Ago

had him for beginning + intermediate drawing. highly competent, helpful+friendly. relentlessly drilled us through a very specific constructive+persepectival drawing method. its different and challenging, but useful and will make you a better drawer/painter. one of the best teachers ive seen here. take him '10-11 before he leaves ucsb!

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ARTST18 . Beltz E A 14 Years Ago

I took advanced drawing and intro painting with him. Hes a great teacher and he can teach you a lot, hes really smart. Don't be afraid to raise your hand and ask for help! He has solid, legit thoughts on how to improve what you're doing. Eric is great. As for the workload, get used to it, being an artist takes hours of work.

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ARTST7B . Beltz E A 16 Years Ago


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ARTST18 . Beltz E A 16 Years Ago

he's not that great a teacher. he makes jokes only he thinks is funny. he made us paint still lifes all quarter. when i got to intermediat painting i realized how little he taught us. besides that hes a drawing guy and doesn't paint in his artwork.

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ARTST10 . Beltz E A 17 Years Ago

He's awsome! I love Eric! (as a teacher) He made the class really enjoyable and he's really nice person. Extensively knowlege in painting. Although the workload was pretty high since we had to do a painting each class, and if you dont finish you have to finish it outside of class. Overall, it's a pretty good class. I recommend it.

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