Jeremy White

56 reviews
Get ready to read Lecture heavy Skip class? You won't pass. EXTRA CREDIT Clear grading criteria Amazing lectures Graded by few things Group projects Caring Gives good feedback Accessible outside class Hilarious Respected Participation matters Tough grader Lots of homework Beware of pop quizzes Test heavy
Past quarters


ENV S 144 White J A Winter 2024 Total: 24
GEOG 144 White J A Winter 2024 Total: 17
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ARTHI6L . White J A 2 Months Ago

Content is based on lectures and readings, but not necessary to attend because he posts slides after each class (only pictures though). Short weekly quiz based on the lecture and readings. 3 essays (900-1200 words each), 3 online quizzes, and 1 online final exam.

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ARTHI6L . White J A 3 Months Ago

Straightforward, boring lectures, but important to go and take notes to succeed in this class. Lenient grading on essays, easy quizzes. Section attendance mandatory, and beware of the lecture quiz questions in sections, they're sometimes tricky. White is an average lecturer but to his credit he's pretty chill and accessible outside of class.

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ARTHI136D . White J A 9 Months Ago

Jerry is a fantastic professor. This is the third time I've taken one of his classes. I've taken big online classes with him as well but this class is a small seminar-style class. In either environment he's been a great lecturer and is very personable and helpful in smaller class settings.

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ARTHI6J . White J A 10 Months Ago

Most ARTHI classes are usually a little too much work for them being 4 unit classes but Jeremy is a great professor and the class was often boring but sometimes interesting. I think your TA makes or breaks your grade tbh

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ARTHI136D . White J A 11 Months Ago

its a lot of work but the professor lets you submit work multiple times for a better grade. grades quick so you don't need to wait until last minute and office hours are helpful

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ARTHI6J . White J A 11 Months Ago

Jeremy is very knowledgeable and clearly put a lot of effort into designing this course. It was pretty abstract and dull, but that's personal opinion. Some bits were interesting and I appreciate his enthusiasm. Section was annoying but grading on quizzes and essays was pretty easy. I never felt bogged down with work, but definitely pay attention.

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6J . White J A 11 Months Ago

was able to get an A in class even though I only attended two lectures. Two fun essays with a lot of room for creativity and a quiz each week that was take home. Just look through the slides or the reading and you'd get at least 80% of it right. The slides he has barely has any words on them though just pictures so you had to decipher it yourself.

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ARTHI6L . White J A 11 Months Ago

lectures were boring, but i found it helpful to go especially for the papers that weren't graded easily. part of the final is a group project, it wasn't hard, just tedious work. most of the tests were multiple choice and take home, but the final had some short answer responses. section for this class was unbearable, but mandatory.

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ARTHI6L . White J A 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

He gives dull lectures but will sometimes have fun interactive in class activities. The readings are interesting, quizzes will have the most random things in the readings and the lectures, but I would just skim through the reading to find the keywords. 2 papers with interesting prompts that allows for creativity. Fun final game design project.

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6A . White J A 2 Years Ago

Professor White was really engaging with his lectures. He always brought students up to the front of class to demonstrate, and the class becomes really relevant towards the end. He posts the slides after class, but there is minimal text on them, mostly information comes from the mouth, so make sure to go to lecture.

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ARTHI6J . White J A 2 Years Ago

Lectures were interesting but very little on slides so you'd have to pay attention or you miss important info, Jeremy took the time to learn everyone's name and talked to us before class so i appreciated that, easy to approach when you have issues, made difficult concepts easy to understand,

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ARTHI136 . White J A 2 Years Ago

ARTHI 136C was amazing with Prof White! In-class group assignments were a great way to apply textbook to real life scenarios and the lectures were very interesting. Relatively easy if you do the readings and pay attention in class

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