Manoutchehr Eskandari-qajar

9 reviews
Tough grader Get ready to read Skip class? You won't pass. So many papers Participation matters Amazing lectures Gives good feedback Lots of homework Lecture heavy
Past quarters


POLS101 . 2 Years Ago

Insulting his students and an entire generation inside his lecture, "even by a generation whose attention span is dictated by sound bites and mega bites". clearly believes he is above us and his job. Very disappointing, made me not want to work hard for someone who obviously has very little respect for his students. Unfortunate.

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POLS101 . 7 Years Ago

He was a great teacher. He was very organized, which was great for an online class. Be prepared to read and write a few essays. He is somewhat of a tough grader and his tests are hard. Pay attention to statistics in the reading. Make sure you actually understand the concepts you read! Take good notes, make flashcards... STUDY!

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POLS101 . 7 Years Ago

Do NOT take this class online. The way he structures his class is one of the most difficult online classes I've ever had to deal with. He is very vague in his grading feedback. He has a board where the students can post questions that he says he will respond to but never does. It takes him almost a month to get assignment grades back to you.

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POLS101 . 8 Years Ago

I took his POLS 101 class fully online. I didn't really email him or communicate with him much. This class is SUPER easy. Just do your homework and you'll be fine.

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POLS10155606 . 9 Years Ago

Has an extremely biased political opinion, does not consider that some of his students become offended by his ideas, believes anyone who does not hold his view is a bigot. Uses profanity excessively, which is not professional. I did not enjoy this class, I will not recommend this teacher to anyone.

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POLS101 . 9 Years Ago

Doctor Eskandari is an amazing teacher. You could not get a better education in the field of political science. He is quite passionate about the topic and knowledgeable. BS-ing any midterm, final or paper is laughable. one of the most difficult classes ive taken but one of the best. Make sure to keep on the reading and go to the tutor regularly

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101123 . 10 Years Ago

This is hands down the best PoliSci professor you will ever have. He is not easy, which is why you see all of these people complaining, but if you want an easy coarse take art or something. If you actually want to learn about world affairs and political science, people transfer from around the state to sit in his class.

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POLS1 . 17 Years Ago

The class is hard because he does not know how to teach. Guest professors really need to be evaluated more strictly b4 hired. Anyway, his lectures are disorganized: he plays talk radio show while running around the class scribbling illegibly.

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POLISCI1 . 17 Years Ago

HILARIOUS, explains everything clearly, makes a dry and boring class fun and relevant. Go to class and do the reading, papers and exams rely heavily on these two things. Midterm and final are in essay format and you have a choice of 3 questions. Paper was compare/contrast two thinkers, not too difficult. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS PROFESSOR!!

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