Jacqueline Apodaca

10 reviews
Past quarters


FLMST54 . 13 Years Ago

A really interesting and laid back class. Different every time so it can be taken again. AND Jackie is a cutie

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FILM108 . 13 Years Ago

Silent film is now one of my favorite genres after taking this class. Jackie is great as a teacher and moderator as she helps each student with their short film. If you have the opportunity to take a class with Jackie Apodaca, do it.

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FILM54 . 13 Years Ago

If your a film major then this is the class for you. You get to hear from successful entertainment professionals about the industry. Jackie is great at getting high profile guests to open up to students about their professional lives. The best part is you personally get to ask these giants of the industry questions that you are interested.

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FILM106 . 13 Years Ago

Film 106 is the best class at UCSB for its ability to educate students on short film production. Dana Driskel is a great teacher when it comes to the technical side, but Jackie really challenges you to think about story and characters. Her acting experience makes it easy to relate to characters as well as how to direct actors. Take this class.

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FILM102 . 13 Years Ago

This was one of the best classes I have ever taken. Jackie knows not only the acting side of film but also great directing techniques that make it easier to work with actors. Some of the warm ups we do seem strange but they get you to open up about yourself and be relaxed. I would take this class again if I could but its rarely ever offered.

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FILM54 . 14 Years Ago

It is a really interesting and fun class, and an A is almost a guarantee. As long as you show up to class you will pass the class no problem. The only bad part was the time of the class on friday nights. Other than that, I would highly recommend it.

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FILM54 . 15 Years Ago

Take this class if you want to do anything related to Hollywood. The guest speakers are awesome, the class is easy, and the teacher is a fox.

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FILM104 . 15 Years Ago

Mandatory 9am attendance was brutal but It was a good class. Jackie is a pragmatist with a puritan work ethic and a heart of gold : ) Very Sexy IMHO

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FILM104 . 15 Years Ago

Stone Cold Fox. Pretty Doe Eyes. Pretends to be mean at the beginning of class but turns out to super awesome. Loved Her!!!!!

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FLM54 . 15 Years Ago

Great Class. No work necessary, only two essays, which are a take home midterm and final. Definitely recommend this class to film Majors.

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