Stefan Gries

17 reviews
Graded by few things Get ready to read Skip class? You won't pass. Clear grading criteria Would take again Gives good feedback Lots of homework Hilarious So many papers Caring Lecture heavy
Past quarters
LING 202
8 / 15 Enrolled
Advanced Research Methods and Statistics
Stefan Gries 2.9
08:00 AM - 10:20 AM
93.0% A
LING 271
4 / 15 Enrolled
Research Orientation
Stefan Gries 2.9
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
See All
LING 105 Gries S T Spring 2024 Total: 17
LING 104 Gries S T Winter 2024 Total: 26
LING 218 Gries S T Winter 2024 Total: 7
LING 204 Gries S T Fall 2023 Total: 7
See All
LING147 . Gries S T 7 Months Ago

This dude is so ugly it makes the class unbearable. Furthermore, this accent is awful! How can you teach linguistics and speak like that? My theory is he had several concussions years ago but the university is scared to fire him

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LING104 . Gries S T 2 Years Ago

Boring lectures. Too wordy.

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LING104 . Gries S T 2 Years Ago

This class depends heavily on self-learning, but the professor and TA are very helpful

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LING120 . Gries S T 6 Years Ago

Although it's suppose to be an intro course to coding using Rstudio, it definitely didn't feel like it. If you have no background in coding, it will be very time consuming to understand. Make sure not to miss class because he goes over a lot of information during lecture.

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LING104 . Gries S T 7 Years Ago

If you are serious about learning how to properly analyze (linguistic) data, there is no one who will teach you as accessibly and efficiently as Prof. Gries. The class requires some stamina, but if you are willing invest some time, it is an outstanding learning opportunity.

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LING104 . Gries S T 8 Years Ago

I would recommend this class only to ling students who have a strong background in computer programming. You're expected to know essential terms and concepts specific to statistics despite there being no prereq's/advisory for this class other than Intro Ling. Also very negative opinions on the course textbook (conveniently written by the professor)

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LING120 . Gries S T 10 Years Ago

This was a good class. Make sure you don't miss class and do the readings in advance. If you don't understand something go to office hours, super helpful. He is a shy guy, but very knowledgeable. I wish we did more discussion (less papers more in depth?), but some people never participate. On the superficial side, cute eyes and hot body!

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PSY127 . Gries S T 16 Years Ago

one of the best !!

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LING147 . Gries S T 16 Years Ago

excellent and very clever

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LING147 . Gries S T 16 Years Ago

he's a professional , very inteligent

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LING113 . Gries S T 17 Years Ago

horrible teacher. doesn't know how to teach the information. boring monotone voice. what is on the test has NOTHING to do with homeworks. save semantics for another teacher.

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LING137 . Gries S T 17 Years Ago

Please do not take him in any classes. His monotonous lecture with his computer slideshow is SO boring and unclear. He does not tell you what will be on the test and will not curve even when 95% of class failed his ridiculously hard test. He may be the smartest linguist but he should stay in the library researching and not teach cuz he sucks at it.

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