Hugo Loaiciga

20 reviews
Skip class? You won't pass. Clear grading criteria Respected Tough grader Caring Lecture heavy Test heavy Get ready to read Amazing lectures Gives good feedback Lots of homework Graded by few things
Past quarters


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ENV S 162 Loaiciga H Spring 2024 Total: 13
GEOG 162 Loaiciga H Spring 2024 Total: 11
EARTH 173 Loaiciga H Winter 2024 Total: 21
GEOG 116 Loaiciga H Winter 2024 Total: 19
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EARTH173 . Loaiciga H 10 Months Ago

Does good at explaining things when you ask him questions during class. Also very understanding about attendance if you talk to him beforehand.

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EARTH173 . Loaiciga H 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Terrible all around.

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GEOG162 . Loaiciga H 3 Years Ago

Got curved down from a 91% to a B+

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EARTH173 . Loaiciga H 4 Years Ago

I was worried about taking this class since I'd heard negative opinions on this prof, but I actually really liked him and his class. He might not be the most friendly, but he clearly is an expert in his field, & I respect that. Videos for labs, hw, and lecture were very clear. Overall, the course was interesting, practical, and useful!

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GEOG114 . Loaiciga H 4 Years Ago

Ive had a few classes with Hugo and he's not really good at explaining things and he does not want to hear about your sh*t, but hes kooky which is fun, and he also likes field trips. I don't get why the average grades for his classes are so low, all his test questions are the same as the homework, just different examples. Learn homework get A

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GEOG112 . Loaiciga H 4 Years Ago

Extremely understanding during the pandemic, that matters and says a lot about him. Its a dry subject (lul) but he sends a ton of videos and walks you through everything. If you study its an easy A, but dont be deceived by the ease of the material as he will ask questions to apply just about everything ie graphs water shortage thiessen polygon

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EARTH173 . Loaiciga H 4 Years Ago

This was the most awful class I took at UCSB. He LITERALLY reads off his bright blue slides which strain the eyes. YAWN. On the 1st day, he showed up 20 minutes late and this man had the audacity to tell us not to be late to his class. He is an unnecessarily difficult grader, and the reader you need for HW and lab is so incredibly disorganized.

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EARTH173 . Loaiciga H 5 Years Ago

He didn't seem to care about students or the the class. Labs and homework were frequently confusing due to a lack of instructions provided by Hugo. The reader you have to buy contained some good information, but the organization was completely nonsensical. I would not recommend him to anyone but sadly hydro majors are forced to take him. Good luck

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GEOG162 . Loaiciga H 6 Years Ago

Hugo likes to write on the board so some of the materials he goes over is not available online - it's best to attend every lecture. If you read the reader and take notes during every lecture you should be able to pass. He goes over everything you need to know in class. The exams were always fair and not too difficult.

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GEOG162 . Loaiciga H 6 Years Ago

Professor Loaiciga is an old-school type of professor and extremely knowledgeable. I took Geog 172 with him and his reader is all you need for hw/quizzes/exams. He does make mistakes during lecture but you will learn a lot from them. He's an overall nice person and pretty funny. Open book exams, awesome T.A.s, class and lab attendance are a must.

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EARTH173 . Loaiciga H 8 Years Ago

Hugo is incredibly difficult to understand, makes many mistakes during his lectures (which are NOT online and there is no textbook, so if you don't show up to class, you don't pass), and he has no clear grading rubric for tests. He will also take points off assignments for incorrectly stapling or not using page numbers. Good luck.

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GEOG116 . Loaiciga H 11 Years Ago

I normally don't rate my professors, but I've had Hugo for two quarters now and going on a third. He is a great teacher. No, he doesn't make the students excited, and he does require a fair amount of work. All that means is don't take the class unless you're self motivated. If you are and you take good notes, you will learn a lot and get an A

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