Krista Bywater

6 reviews
Past quarters


SOC1 . 13 Years Ago

wasn't sure about the class at first but the prof made it really interesting. SHe cares about students and discussions made it go by fast. had a lot of papers but she Helped me a lot and read drafts.

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SO101 . 15 Years Ago

Although Krista is a nice person, I dread going to her class. The readings are interesting but we never talk about them. She is not engaging. All she talks to us about are the basic terms but she does not explain them or contextualize them. Every time i ask Krista a question she asks the class to answer it. Most of the time they are not answered.

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SOC133 . 16 Years Ago

The best class that I ever took at SB. krista made lectures interesting even though the class was at 8 a.m. There were reading quizzes which sucked but actually made me read. She's super approachable and I would def take a class from here again.

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GLOBL2 . 17 Years Ago

I HATE THIS TA!!!!! The class and professor were amazing but she ruined it. She never responded to emails (but she checked it cause she'd send out mass emails), wasn't in office hours (at least she wasn't the one day I could go), and when a student asked her a question before the midterm she said she hadn't done the reading!!! AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!

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WOMEN25 . 17 Years Ago

She thinks she's smart and funny, instead she's boring and repetitive. She's not approachable and she's a hard grader. She was the TA for my women of color class and she completely ruined it for me. I loved the professor but hated the TA (Krista). She's not qualified to grade papers or to be a TA for that matter.

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MEDIA . 18 Years Ago

Tries too hard to be cool and hip! Does not exhibit the qualities of people of color...seems very privileged and unconscious about a lot of things.

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