best class ever!! so much fun!!
Overall the class is pretty easy and the essay topics are not that demanding. She can get slightly out of control and say really rude and gross things. She thinks it is funny but it really is not. Just do all the assignments it is 20& of your grade, participation is 20% and the essays are 60%, 3 essays, straight forward.
Adriane has the most entertaining lectures and assignments! She's the best! RECOMMEND! she's VERY willing to help. i went to office hours and she practically wrote a page of notes for me that went straight to my paper! She's an amazing teacher as well as person! Assignment due everyday but fairly easy & simple. most can be done 10 mins before class
Definitely kept the class entertained. She was extremely helpful and fun. Papers were really easy and straightforward. Great class!I will really miss it.
She brings a coffee machine and styrofoam cups to class every day. Nicest TA ever!
She is young and fun. She really wants everyone to succeed but her grading is not easy. If you go and get your papers edited by her during her office hours then you will do good in the class. She really cares about her students !!
Adriane is definitely an English prof first and foremost, but she did a good job of making the material accessible to students from other disciplines. Very fun seminar--really liked the books she chose, and really liked the zucchini bread she brought to class!
Adriane scares you at first, but she's actually equal parts hard core and cream puff, like she'll kick you out of class if you don't do the reading, but she'll buy you lunch just for showing up during office hours, and was really nice about giving extentions. She wrote me a REALLY nice letter of recomendation for work! :)
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she's nice and has cool hair but she cant' stop talking about teh falice
She saved my baby from drowning (long story), so I gotta hand that to her. Yet she is still a darn hard grader, so I'm gonna have to give her thumbs down overall.