Tod Kippin

54 reviews
Lecture heavy Skip class? You won't pass. Get ready to read Clear grading criteria Caring Group projects Tough grader Test heavy Respected Graded by few things Online Savvy EXTRA CREDIT Amazing lectures Tests? Not many Would take again Inspirational Lots of homework Accessible outside class
Past quarters
PSY 138L
45 / 48 Enrolled
Laboratory in Behavioral Endocrinology
Tod Kippin 3.2
13:00 PM - 14:50 PM
86.1% A
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PSY111 . 1 Year, 24 Days Ago

Did PSY 111 as a flipped course. Very informative and did a great job explaining hard material. Also a lot of exam questions are on the study guides.

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PSY111 . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Initially, I didn't get the structure at all. I stopped going to lectures after week 5. Started using lecture time to study and make flashcards and it paid off. If you write clear notes and understand basic college study strategies you'll be alright. Study hard before tests and you will do well.

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PSY111 . 2 Years Ago

Lecture slides often out of order, quickly breezes over material that needs way more explanation. Structure: watch 1hr lecture (takes 2hrs), then go to class to go over the same slides+ more. 2 midterms and final online, and up to 3% added to grade for an essay q graded on completion. Class can be frustrating, but A is very doable.

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PSY111 . 2 Years Ago

I took Psy111/211 in 2022. I really don't understand the negative feedback. Dr. Kippin is such a chill guy and you basically only have to watch and understand the lectures. Just put some effort into it and you'll be rewarded. Also, he knows his stuff.

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PSY111 . 4 Years Ago

His lectures are very loaded but watching them a couple times definitely helps! He was very chill during the pandemic, easy A as long as you do the quizzes and pay attention.

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PSY111 . 4 Years Ago

Tod is the most understanding and caring professor during the pandemic. There were no midterms this quarter, just weekly quizzes & he gives you the question a week in advance. There are group projects as well but thats how I was able to make a study group for this class and the final was based off the quizzes he gave throughout the quarter.

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PSY111 . 4 Years Ago

Tod was the most caring and easiest professor I had this quarter. He really cares for the success of his students. He gave us the quiz questions a week in advance. The question are straightforward and covered in his slides. His lectures can be a bit monotone, but nothing 1.5x speed can't fix.

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PSY111 . 4 Years Ago

Todd has been the MOST ACCOMMODATING during the pandemic. He genuinely cares for his students and literally did everything he can to teach such a difficult and heavy loaded topic. It is a LOT of material, so his lectures were very heavy, but what can he do? He literally gave us quiz QUESTIONS before starting it. Amazing professor.

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PSY111 . 4 Years Ago

Is very difficult to understand and does not care about his students. He is unfair and very cruel, especially during the pandemic. I am baffled that a Psychology teacher can be so un-empathetic toward his students. His lectures are difficult to comprehend and some of his test questions are very unclear. I highly recommend to stay away from him.

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PSY111 . 4 Years Ago

Todd Kippin is very knowledgeable; that is irrefutable. However, he's a TERRIBLE LECTURER and does not use concise wording. This makes his quizzes very difficult too. I have to stop his lectures every few seconds because of how much information he tries to compact into a single slide. This becomes an issue when there is 3 hours of lectures a week.

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PSY111 . 5 Years Ago

Let me tell you how to get an A in this class. First of all: don't bother going to his OH. I got a C+ on the first midterm and I go to his OH and he basically tells me I won't make it in the field. So I started recording his lectures and listening to them A LOT. I skimmed the textbook and focused heavily on the slides. Boom, A. Suck it dude.

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PSY111 . 5 Years Ago

Yikes. Dr. Kippin's voice is so incredibly monotone you can hardly pay attention. Slides contain WAY too much info, and he goes through it too fast. He sometimes ended lecture late just because there was so much material to get through. Tests were fine as long as you studied his practice exams, he reuses MC questions and free response questions.

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