Lisa Maass

61 reviews
Caring Tough grader Clear grading criteria Skip class? You won't pass. Amazing lectures Gives good feedback Respected Test heavy Get ready to read Would take again Lots of homework Hilarious Accessible outside class
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ECON136A . 2 Years Ago

Lisa was a super cool teacher and one of my favorites at UCSB. She was patient, caring and always well prepared. Teachers like Lisa should not be taken for granted. UCSB needs more teachers like her.

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ECON137A . 6 Years Ago

She's such a great teacher! One of my favorite Econ professors at sb. Her lectures are super clear and she literally only tests on what she teaches. Wish I could take more classes with her!

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ECON137A . 7 Years Ago

Best professor I have had at UCSB! She really wants you to succeed in the class. If you go to lecture and pay attention, the tests are a breeze. She tells you exactly what will be on the exams and the exam problems are exactly like lecture, no tricks! She is so helpful in Office Hours. Overall, wish I could take the class again!

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ECON137A . 7 Years Ago

You won't need to read the textbook at all, she explains everything perfectly and gives extremely detailed examples on the board. Just copy down everything the way she does it, then do it again just like that on the exams. I honestly don't see why other teachers want to make things harder than she does - the point is to understand the material.

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ECON137A . 7 Years Ago

the best instructor in ucsb. easy a

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ECON137A . 8 Years Ago

Great teacher! Goes over material then does a lot of examples in class.

4 helpful 1 unhelpful
ECON137B . 8 Years Ago

She teaches differently from the book and the problems she uses in the classes are quite simple. Her tests questions are all significantly more difficult than in-class problems, practice midterms, etc. Her tests are also super long and doesn't give enough time to finish.

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ECON136B . 8 Years Ago

Maass is an awesome prof. She just teaches you what you need to know, nothing more and nothing less. Her tests are straight to the point, with no tricks in them. She doesn't use ppt slides, she just writes everything on the board, which I loved because I learned a lot more, and I payed attention. She gives a lot of partial credit on exams!

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136B . 8 Years Ago

She's a chiller. Easiest accounting class in the 136 series. Gives out past exams to study off of and the midterms and finals are pretty much the same format. Reading isn't necessary.

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ECON136B . 8 Years Ago

Lisa Maass is a sweet professor, who cares about her students passing. She's very straight forward in tests with no "trick questions" and partial credit everywhere so even if you don't get the right answers, you can get close to an A. 2 midterms and a final. All are non-comprehensive.

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ECON136C . 9 Years Ago

This teacher really doesn't seem to care about her students. She does the bare minimum and is not very helpful. She seems more uninterested than most of her students. Would not take a class with her unless you want to learn everything on your own and rush through a super long test.

0 helpful 18 unhelpful
ECON136C . 9 Years Ago

Doesn't care about her students or teaching. Make sure you go to class and be prepared for 500 pt tests with the majority being short answer problems.

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