Denise Bielby

30 reviews
Get ready to read Skip class? You won't pass. Lots of homework Clear grading criteria Lecture heavy Tough grader Gives good feedback Would take again So many papers Caring
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118TV . 4 Years Ago

The class was interesting and Professor Bielby was a good lecturer. My biggest critique about this class was the system of grading. Attendance is mandatory which I think is very elementary. If you are even 5 minutes late, the grade on your reading log drops from an A to a B. You are graded on attendance, not the credibility of your work.

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SOC140 . 4 Years Ago

Professor Bielby is fantastic. She doesn't do exams just (7) reading logs and a 10 page paper. You honestly don't need to read the readings fully to understand and write reading logs. Just go to your TA's office hours--it really pays off. No need to take notes on lectures, just listen and enjoy!

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118TV . 4 Years Ago

For this class you have a 2 page paper due every week. The papers are based off of textbook readings which is sometimes over 100 pages. Why bother making us read 100 pages if we only get 2 pages double spaced to write about it? Also, the lecture content has nothing to do with the papers.

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SOC140 . 4 Years Ago

Class is once a week so attendance is mandatory and checked! 2 page paper due every week on assigned readings. Readings can be difficult to understand but not impossible! Reading will be the hardest/time consuming part. Final paper is a biography on an elderly person of your choice that is due on the last day of class. No Final or midterm.

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SOC140 . 4 Years Ago

Once a week so attendance is 33% of grade. Expected to write 2 page reflections on reading each week. They are graded a little bit harshly. Readings can range from around 10 pages-50+. Final is a 10 page oral biography on a person of your choice. Pretty simple. Lecture isn't important to anything you are graded on. Reading takes up the most time

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SOC151 . 5 Years Ago

i like her but the last week is brutal! you will be expected to write a 7 pg paper and a 2 pg paper on top of the work you have for your other classes. I liked her more than Baldwin but less than Abbra, Luna, Tabag, Twine, and Cruz. You have to work for it and you wont get a break. Also expect hand cramping for lectures. i got an A.

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SOC140 . 6 Years Ago

About half lecture and half movies. Lectures are boring and she just reads off her slides but the class was very easy. Weekly essays about the readings weren't terrible, she gives feedback on each essay to help you improve.

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SOC140 . 8 Years Ago

lectures for half of the class and film for the rest of it she's ok i like her she cool amazing WOW

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140 . 9 Years Ago

This professor was one of the best I have ever had. People will say that the readings are long and the 2 page logs due every week are harshly graded - but I disagree. Unless you are inadequate in reading and writing you will do well on the logs. Take this class - I received an A+ and it was one of the easiest courses I have taken in 3 years.

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SOC140 . 9 Years Ago

There is so much reading it's insane, especially towards the end of the quarter. She seems inconsiderate in acknowledging that students have a lot of other things going on. Be prepared to read because the logs are graded toughly.

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SOC151 . 13 Years Ago

The Prof. is really nice!! Her class was easy all you do is a 2pg paper every week and a final paper (no midterm or final). It's an easy class there is no way you can fail. Since it's once a week attendance is mandatory but you watch a film every week. Good overall. :)

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SOC151 . 13 Years Ago

EASY EASY EASY. Just follow directions and you're golden. attendance is mandatory, but it's only once a week so just suck it up and go!

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