Samir Mitragotri

10 reviews
Respected Tests? Not many Inspirational Lecture heavy Tough grader Amazing lectures Would take again
Past quarters


CHE120A . 8 Years Ago

I enjoyed his lecture and his accent.

0 helpful 2 unhelpful
CHE125CHE120A . 9 Years Ago

120a - Not much homework, fair tests. 125 has no midterm or final, it is a class where you can simply learn which is really cool.

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CHE125 . 9 Years Ago

Amazing professor! sometimes the topics are way too advanced for anyone to understand, but he is really there for his students and wants to make sure that they all succeed. No midterms and no finals!

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CHE120A . 9 Years Ago

Fluids is a TOUGH concept. Luckily, Mitragotri makes it a lot easier than it really is. Lectures are long and drawn out. The midterms are not overly difficult. The final is tough. This is a good class and Mitragotri is great professor. Doing well in this course is very possible

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CHE125 . 10 Years Ago

Sometimes it seemed like thel hour and fifteen minutes of class were longer, but it was mainly because the topics were so advanced. He's an awesome teacher and is definitely fair in grading and helpful. would recommend

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CHE120 . 12 Years Ago

A rigorous class, with examples and problems that are frankly ridiculous, sometimes spanning 2 or 3 classes to solve on problem. Mitragotri really cares about his students though, and he will take all the time in the world in his office hours to make sure you succeed. Very creative problems on exams, could be good or bad thing.

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CHE120A . 17 Years Ago

he surely can teach and has lots of brain

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CHE125 . 18 Years Ago

This class was operated completed opposite from his 120A class. The grades were based on 50% homework and 50% project. Project was a 8-10 page paper on any bioengineering topic we wanted to write about. The HW was a bit over our head but the TA helped a great deal by providing homework hints and productive office hours. Good, easy class overall.

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CHE120A . 19 Years Ago

he missed frequent classes which ended up hurting us on the final due to the fact that we briefly covered 4 out of 6 questions. he is very nice, but class is very abstract.

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CHE120A . 19 Years Ago

His examples were way over everyone's heads. Homework was pretty hard too but going to TA office hours helps. Tests and curve is fair.

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