Laurie Freeman

34 reviews
Get ready to read Test heavy Clear grading criteria Caring Lecture heavy Graded by few things Accessible outside class EXTRA CREDIT Inspirational Beware of pop quizzes So many papers
Past quarters


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POL S 173 Freeman L A Spring 2023 Total: 61
POL S 106EA Freeman L A Spring 2023 Total: 56
POL S 135 Freeman L A Winter 2023 Total: 64
POL S 6 Freeman L A Winter 2023 Total: 121
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PS106EA . Freeman L A 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

Im not gonna lie this is one of the worst professors, I've ever come across throughout my time in UCSB, and Ive seen some pretty bad ones. (e.g. Nall, Moosebreiger, and Felicity Stone-Richards. Don't take this class, and also don't take any class with Laffy Taffy.

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POLS135 . Freeman L A 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Second time taking her. She knows what she's talking about and has a clear rubric. Makes it easy to get an A.Section is a big chunk of your grade, and 5 commentaries that are graded for completion help balance out your grade against the paper and midterm/final...I don't understand why the ratings are so low! She always comes to class with a smile

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POLS6 . Freeman L A 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Professor Freeman has very disorganized lectures, and we were oftentimes behind in content by several days. She seems like a lovely woman but I could not get with her teaching style. Also puts zero effort into pronouncing ethnic names. You could honestly pass the class just by reading the textbook -- which you have to pay for.

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POLS173 . Freeman L A 2 Years Ago

I am shocked at the bad reviews for Prof Freeman - her class was by far easier than other poly sci courses and was packed with relevant information. 10+ readings a week but you do not need to do them. Take home midterm/final was essay format with 2-4 days to complete. She's nice but lectures are copied Wikipedia and grading criteria super unclear.

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POLS173 . Freeman L A 3 Years Ago

Prof Freeman is such a sweet lady who cares about her students. She does put a lot of info on her slides, but she posts the slides on gs so you can copy/paste them into your notes. I never did the reading! Midterm & Final were take home short identifications and a small essay. A pretty easy class TBH. As long as you have notes you'll be fine.

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POLS6 . Freeman L A 4 Years Ago

Professor Freeman was my first Poli Sci professor and she was great. Very caring and did her very best to accommodate for COVID-19 remote instruction. Lectures were a bit long and tedious but interesting nonetheless. She did a good job of keeping the information fun, current, and captivating. Lots of essays (mini and long). Take POL S 6!

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PS6 . Freeman L A 4 Years Ago

She posts lectures anywhere from 3-6 days late. She has not posted a single one on time. Her lectures are regularly an hour (or more!) over the allotted class time. How is this legal

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POLS6 . Freeman L A 4 Years Ago

I took this class during the covid-19 pandemic so it was online. her lectures were basically going over what the book said. They were boring and tough to get through. She often is disorganized and lectures weren't going up until the end of the week. I would go back to my cheating ex before taking a class with her again.

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POLS135 . Freeman L A 4 Years Ago

Prof Freeman gets a bad rap for being a bit disorganized at times, but she is super passionate about her work in Japanese politics and the topic at hand. I highly recommend taking this class here. I heard her lower division classes weren't so great, but I loved her Japanese politics class. It wasn't hard or that time consuming.

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POLS6 . Freeman L A 5 Years Ago

Freeman is a fair and nice professor. Many people say she is overwhelmingly disorganized, but if you pay attention in lecture and keep up with the reading, you will have no problem. I would recommend taking her! She is incredibly passionate about teaching.

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PS6 . Freeman L A 5 Years Ago

This class was a nightmare. She is incredibly unorganized, and while you may think her lack of presence results in less work for you, it doesn't. She can't stick to her lesson plan, which put my class 4 weeks behind schedule at the end of the quarter. If you must take this class with her, don't bother with the lectures. She just rewrites the book.

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POLS6 . Freeman L A 6 Years Ago

Professor Freeman is very educated in her field of work. Her lectures can get a bit dry but it's worth going to if you don't want to read the textbook. Her midterm and finals are directly from the textbooks. 1/4 of the class showed up to lecture once and she gave us extra credit points on the final. GO TO LECTURES.

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