Gene Lerner

9 reviews
Past quarters


SOC136A . 11 Years Ago

This course has been one of my toughest yet. The material itself isn't hard, its pretty straightforward actually. The grading is way more strict then it has to be! The TA takes off more points then awards. Reading is not necessary.

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SOC154 . 12 Years Ago

Had to watch short videos of toddlers interacting over and over again and write a detailed analysis of the videos. Not an easy class and would not recommend.

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SOC136A . 15 Years Ago

He's a very knowledgable professor but the material was way too dry for my taste. I didn't feel lectures were mandatory, nor is the textbook for that matter. Your grade relies heavily on your TA so get a good one and consult them for HW. 4 assignments, no midterm/final in-class exams. I haven't cracked open the book and I'm sure I'll get an B+/A-.

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SOC136A . 16 Years Ago

the professor knows a lot about what he is teaching and is enthusiastic about it which is nice. unfortunately the class material is pretty dry but the assignments aren't bad. talking to the ta before turning them in helps a lot. went to class, but never did any reading and got an A. overall material is boring but professor lerner is great.

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SOC136A . 17 Years Ago

He is a VERY smart man, but but the best at teaching what he knows. He is so dedicated to his students and will go out of his way to help you out and help you learn. Try to avoid the A series, try 136V (thats more hands on and you make the class interesting because you are doing your own research!)

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SOC136A . 17 Years Ago

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SOC136A . 18 Years Ago

PAINFULLY BORING!!! The professor and the class are so dull that you may rip your ears off during lecture to avoid listening.

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SOC136A . 18 Years Ago

Monotonous voice. Unorganized lectures. Painfully boring! If you are a soc major, take classes with Baldwin (money well spent) and if you are stuck in this one, make the TA your best friend.

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SOC136A . 18 Years Ago

By far the WORST professor I've had at UCSB! His lecture is scattered all over the place and the only help you'll get is from your TA. Basically your grade will depend on your TA and how hard he works to interpret the lectures to you. The class was a complete mess and I didn't learn anything. He should be a researcher and not a lecturer!

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