Dan Little

12 reviews
Amazing lectures Caring Respected Clear grading criteria Gives good feedback Lecture heavy Accessible outside class
Past quarters
CHEM 127
60 / 60 Full
Structure and Reactivity in Organic Chemistry
Dan Little 4.3
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
36.7% A
CHEM 227
8 / 10 Enrolled
Structure and Reactivity in Organic Chemistry
Dan Little 4.3
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
69.9% A
CHEM127 . 4 Years Ago

He is great! Extremely fair and passionate

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CHEM127 . 6 Years Ago

Dr. Little is incredibly knowledgeable of his craft, adding to his lectures details from his prior research and the work of other professors. His homework and exams are directly reflective of his lectures, and the entire course feels very fair. Hes a nice guy and its clear he just wants people to learn and do well.

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CHEM109A . 8 Years Ago

Dr. Little is one of my favorite chemistry teacher. I struggled in his class and he took his time to tutored me. His lectures are great and please study hard for his tests. Because of this man, I worked hard and became a doctor.

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CHEM127 . 10 Years Ago

Prof Little is very intelligent and a good lecturer. He provides keen insight on what he is teaching and makes a hard subject more likeable. He is a very fair grader, but study the problem sets because they will help you get an A or B . Also, the final is cumulative so take time to review. I would definitely recommend his class for any chem majors

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CHEM109A . 13 Years Ago

Boring. Easy first 2 midterms. Final was harder. Didn't use the book once.

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CHEM109A . 14 Years Ago

Lectures can be quite confusing. He tends to go off on tangents that don't relate to what he will test you on. First midterm super easy. don't let this fool you into not trying from there on.Second midterm and final progressively got much harder and final = major part of your final grade(of course).Got 100 and 94 on midterms and then A- after final

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CHEM109A . 14 Years Ago

His lectures are pretty easy to follow. The tests were not very difficult at all. The only downside was that our grade was only made up of one test and the final.

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CHEM109B . 17 Years Ago

i liked little! he really cared about his students and only picked out the concepts he thought were important so we werent overwhelmed. he also made sure that everything we learned had life applications which was nice to see ochem being used in the 'real world. he was a good prof, take a clas with him!

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CHEM109C . 18 Years Ago

Little always tests on what he lectures. GO TO LECTURES and learn everything he mentions and you'll get an A. dont waste your time trying to memorize the ochem book. hes a really good, interesting teacher i recommend taking him :)

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CHEM190C . 18 Years Ago

Very clear lectures with a good pace & kept me interested. His test are very fair and only cover material you have seen and should know (not like Aue), and with plenty of time. Overall GREAT teacher

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CHEM109C . 18 Years Ago

He is the best Chem teacher i have ever had. His exams are very straightforward. there are no surprises. he tells you want he wants you to know. He trully wants us to enjoy and be fascinated by o-chem. He sends out numerious emails. he is a picky grader, hates it if you are late or leave early. He will get MAD if you fall asleep!

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OCHEM109A . 19 Years Ago

Prof Little made my 1st quarter of ochem an enjoyable experience...his tests were more than fair and lectures were extremely clear. He is a really good professor that actually cares that his students learn the material.

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