Joe Zasadzinski

11 reviews
Past quarters


CHE10 . 14 Years Ago

Boardwork was sloppy, disorganized, and hard to read. Homework was far more difficult than any problems presented in class, and much of the material covered by the homework was not taught at all. Exams were unbelievably difficult. Professor was lazy, apathetic, and utterly ineffective.

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CHE120B . 14 Years Ago

Extremely Difficult

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CHE120B . 15 Years Ago

very irreponsible

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CHE110B . 15 Years Ago

I personally dont like the way he teaches. There is no need to go to class if you're able to read the book by yourself. What he does is pretty much repeating the things in the book. However, he's an easy grader and the tests are not at all hard

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CHE120C . 16 Years Ago

Not a great communicator. He pretends to be fun but doesn't always cover the information well. Forget about telling jokes, just teach us what we need to know.

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CHE110B . 16 Years Ago

Mr Z is a good professor, but he dwells too much on proofs.

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CHE120B . 17 Years Ago

He is awesome. Other people please stop crying. He is a tough professor but he is hilarious and definitely very fair and understanding. The class was hard but he was super helpful in his office hours and in class. :) yay Zads.

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CHE120 . 18 Years Ago

Excellent teacher if you're someone who actually cares about the subject.

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CHE120 . 18 Years Ago

this guy just does not care about the students. he gives very hard tests and is very unfare.

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CHE110B . 18 Years Ago

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CHE110B120B . 19 Years Ago

Curve is set to a C+ so you have to do well above average to get an A. In 110B, first midterm's average was a 16 so he had to make up another one in order to have the grades work out. In 120B, the questions on the final were extremely hard and brought my grade down a lot. Funny guy but he can be a bit harsh sometimes.

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