John Dubois

10 reviews
So many papers Lots of homework Participation matters
Past quarters


LINGUISTICS170 . 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

The TA carried this course. The professor's lectures didn't have anything to do with any assignment, but took daily attendance. Sections were super helpful. Weekly essays (only explained in section) and easy discussion board assignments. Not a bad class (essays kinda hard) but the professor could be cut out entirely and make no difference.

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LINGUISTICS170 . 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

I think professor Du Bois might be the most boring professor I have ever had at UCSB. I would say maybe about 3 people paid attention in class. Super unorganized, we never knew what the assignments were and when they were due. The papers were graded so harshly and honestly just a very boring class in general. Avoid this class.

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LINGUISTICS170 . 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

his lectures are very informal, lots of examples without a clear or stated purpose. he never had slides and he didn't post any online. the only way we could understand what was going on was through the TA's explanations. there's a paper due every week and 2 longer papers. the course was so much work for its level of difficulty

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LINGUISTICS170 . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Do not take any of his classes. He posts assignments the day they are due and expects you to still turn them in on time. He just rambles in lecture but makes attendance mandatory and doesn't relate the material to the assignments. TA's are the only thing that really helped in this class. Will not be taking any of his courses in the future.

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LING124 . 3 Years Ago

Easily the worst class I've ever been in. The most unclear and disorganized professor I've ever had. Due dates aren't posted, he is unclear with material and expectations, shows up to class late, and communicates terribly with the TA. Like someone else said, you better hope you have a stellar TA.

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LINGUISTICS170 . 9 Years Ago

This class has been my favorite at UCSB so far! The information is really interesting and easy to understand. Yes, Dubois might put you on the spot sometimes, but as long as you pay attention it shouldn't be too hard to give an answer. Also, pray you get a good TA because a majority of your grade will depend on him!

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LING124 . 12 Years Ago

His expectations were vague during the first half of the quarter. As you learn more, it becomes clearer, but it still ends up vague. I wish there was more structure instead of allowing us to choose different topics. Freedom is more exciting this way, but I was still confused what the goal of the class was. Doesn't always respond to emails

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LING130 . 14 Years Ago

Teacher is really, really, really disorganized. Better hope you have a good TA. Readings were really interesting, but class discussion never got past a few basic points. Tends to repeat himself, as if he were talking to a classroom full of 5 years olds.

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LINGUISTICS170 . 19 Years Ago

He's boring, and unclear of what he wants, but I think it's because he really wants his students to think for themselves... doesn't help when it comes to writing papers, since he gives you very vague outlines. He does have a sense of humor though.

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LING124 . 19 Years Ago

I've read some of his research and it's great, but his teaching style was lame. He would play a recorded bit of dialogue that we were supposed to analyze; then he'd say "so, what do you think?" and stand there in silence until someone said something. The "analysis" he seemed to want was rather trivial. I eventually dropped his class.

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