Russell Samolsky

19 reviews
Get ready to read Participation matters Graded by few things Gives good feedback Respected Amazing lectures Inspirational Hilarious Caring Lecture heavy
Past quarters
35 / 35 Full
The Graphic Novel: Animals and Ecology
Russell Samolsky 4.2
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
54.2% A
ENGL 197
11 / 15 Enrolled
Upper-Division Seminar
Russell Samolsky 4.2
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
69.3% A
See All
ENGL128GN . 9 Months Ago

While the premise of this class is very good, Samolsky is a VERY difficult lecturer to follow. He is looking for the "right" answer in a discussion-sized class, which is frustrating and can make the class hard to participate in. This course was frustrating, with only 2/3 graded items (participation + final paper (or a midterm/final paper combo)).

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ENGL197 . 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Good seminar. Lot of reading but the books are all short. Felt like a good capstone to my degree. One 15 page paper like any seminar but numerous prompts were given with the option to choose our own as well. Graded fairly, you'll get the grade you deserve. Take if you want a seminar with a great author handled by a great prof

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ENGL165AE . 2 Years Ago

One midterm, one final. takes attendance but wasnt transparent with our participation grades. Some of the books seemed outside of the scope of the class. don't give away all ur good ideas in class bc he requires new, original, unheard of ideas for your paper so u can't repeat what u said in class even if it was YOU who brought it up initially.

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ENGL128GN . 7 Years Ago

It's stressful that the class is just two papers and participation, but I loved Samolsky as an introduction to upper division English. He's really knowledgeable and I swear he improved my vocabulary. I really like that he is a professor who seems genuinely interested and excited by what you have to say, he never cuts you off when you're talking.

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ENG151JC . 7 Years Ago

I absolutely loved having Professor Samolsky; he definitely changed the ball game in terms of class-taking and being an English major for me. For the first time I've decided to take classes based on brilliance of the professor, more than an easy A. Professor Samolsky was inspirational, brilliant, eloquent, and extremely chill. I love him!

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151JC . 7 Years Ago

Outstanding professor. Samolsky's seminar was by far the best led seminar I have taken at UCSB. He really sharpens your analytical abilities and gives you all the tools you need to be a better writer. By the end of this class, you will appreciate the work of Coetzee, no matter how you feel when the course starts.

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ENGL197 . 11 Years Ago

Prof. Samolsky provided for a very interesting and engaging class. He is good at leading discussions and keeping them going. He's friendly and very easy to get along with too. He's a fair to generous grader. Do the reading, show up, be active, and you'll do well. I would take him again.

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ENG190AL . 11 Years Ago

Really funny and giggly. Books were interesting to read. Easy grader. Would definitely take another one of his classes!

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ENGL190AL . 12 Years Ago

awesome, awesome professor. wacky and giggly and certainly knows his stuff. he is kinda hot too. really sparked my interest in South African Literature and the history. Teaches really well in a small class. Do the reading and you will enjoy this class so much.

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ENG165 . 13 Years Ago

Amazing professor. I seriously want to take every class he offers. Always bring your book, always come to class, and speak up. If you do those three things, you will get a good grade. Essays are a bit tough though.

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ENGL197 . 14 Years Ago

Best Professor!

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ENG104B . 15 Years Ago

Surprisingly unpretentious. For once I actually followed and agreed with what an English professor was saying. The lectures were interesting and his accent is nice. Readings were all great, the class was a treat. PS I'm in love!

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