Hilal Elver

6 reviews
Past quarters


GLOBL197 . 15 Years Ago

Some of the reviews are really harsh, but I found this class, Global 197 HR- Int'l Human Rights, incredibly useful and interesting. The class was about half undergrad, half grad, and the discussion was encouraged to be dynamic and relevant. If you talk to her outside of class, she'll be very helpful.

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GLOBAL151 . 18 Years Ago

A pathetic excuse for a professor. She is unclear and has disorganized lectures. I came away from the class having learned nothing. In office hours she gets defensive and even more unclear about the material. If you want a great class on the EU, take Italian 161AX with Professor Padula. Trust me.

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GLOBAL197 . 19 Years Ago

I learned more about the subject from the course description than from the actual class. The course was overall very easy and very boring. You could get an A without every going to class, except attendance is taken so your best bet is to show up and zone out.

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GLOBLST197 . 19 Years Ago

Global 197: Global Environmental Policy. Not exactly the easiest teacher to understand due to her accent, but her class is relatively easy. No need to buy her books, as it seems that the mid-terms are based on what she says in class. Books are good background tho. Bends easy to student requests of compromises.

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GLOBAL197 . 19 Years Ago

The class was about Turkey and Islam... politics, religion, EU... that sort of stuff. She is very knowledgeable, and the course wasnt very hard. Course assignments are somewhat unclear, but that wont affect your grade. Global 197 classes can be about anything though, mostly contemporary. I think there was one about global economy, one about religion... stuff like that. I'd make sure you find one that you are interested in.

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LAWSO . 19 Years Ago

She's impossible to uderstand. She gives out random pop quizzes, her tests are pretty easy, no point in buying the books or doing the readings. I would not take another class with her ever!

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