Doug Morgan

50 reviews
Tough grader Participation matters Skip class? You won't pass.
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ECON101 . 9 Years Ago

Attended his class back in 2000. Make sure you understand what Leading Economic Indicators are. Understand the circular flow of the economy. C+I+Gwages+rent+interest payments+profits. You should be able to know how changing the variables affect the macro model. Otherwise why are you even majoring in Econ? The TAs helped tremendously.

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ECON101 . 15 Years Ago

Dr. Morgan is an incredibly intelligent professor also a great man. However, his exams are very tough and tricky. Best of luck to all who take him because you will need it. Use the TA's, tutors, text and everything else at your disposal to help.

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ECON101 . 17 Years Ago

Extremely difficult class. Can't answer questions to save his life. Hosts assignments on an unnavigable wall of text website that you must meticulously extract the requirements from before you can even think about starting it. Didn't update Spring syllabus for our Summer course. Basically, he is unhelpful in the extreme. Hope you have a good TA.

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ECON101 . 17 Years Ago

Hard at first, but class gets easier. I get the feeling he grades subjectively, so go into office hours and ask questions and you should be fine.

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ECON101 . 17 Years Ago

Bad. Bad Bad Bad. Did not make it clear what was important and what wasn't. Not helpful in office hours. Avoid him please.

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ECON101 . 17 Years Ago

It is unbelieveable that they gave this guy tenure. Spends the entire class rambling and showing old economics articles, then fails to relate them back to the class. Extremely poor at organizing material. This is the worst experience I have had in college.

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ECON101 . 17 Years Ago

Absolutely not worth it! Morgan is the worst ECON lecturer at UCSB; he's just old, not focused, and fails to properly convey the principles to the class; the T.A.'s pretty much teach the class. The amount of material you're expected to digest is just as enormous as all the homework/assignments he assigns. If possible, take 101 with some one else.

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ECON101 . 17 Years Ago

The amount of work required was ridiculous, I've taken easier 5 unit classes. 3 years and this is the first grade I've ever gotten for a class that was below a C. 4 hw assignments, some project at Instruc. Computing, a weekly journal, quiz in section every other week, 2 midterms and final. Morgan can't lecture and he'll randomly put up news article

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ECON101 . 17 Years Ago

This guy is terrible. Avoid if possible. lecture is all over the place and incomprehensable. Doesn't teach what he tests you on. Not interesting. His course website is a single page block of microfont text, which has all of the assignments. His class was a bad experience that I hope to forget, especislly since econ is an interesting subject for me.

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ECON101 . 17 Years Ago

Morgan is the WORST thing to happen to an Econ major. Believe me when I tell you, take this class with ANYONE but Morgan. Worst Econ class at UCSB

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ECON101 . 17 Years Ago

DO NOT take Econ 101 with Morgan. He assigns a rediculous amount of work, his lectures are convoluted, and his tests are hard.

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ECON101 . 17 Years Ago

This class is harder than usual, beware. But with that said, you do learn a lot. But he doesn't really teach it to you, he just tells you what you need to know and then you have to learn it by yourself. Libby Ashley is the best TA, I just went to her sections, she explains things so well. She also helped me with the assignments.

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