Helen Taschian

49 reviews
Get ready to read So many papers Caring Lots of homework Tough grader Participation matters Accessible outside class Skip class? You won't pass. EXTRA CREDIT Amazing lectures Inspirational Lecture heavy Clear grading criteria Gives good feedback Hilarious Respected Graded by few things
Past quarters
51 / 50 Full
Visual Literacy
Helen Taschian 3.5
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
48.7% A
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ART 1A Taschian H J Spring 2024 Total: 76
ART 1A Taschian H J Winter 2024 Total: 53
ART 1A Taschian H J Fall 2023 Total: 83
ART 130 Taschian H J Fall 2023 Total: 24
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ART1A . Taschian H J 3 Months Ago

3-5 page paper due every single week with a 10 page research paper final. So much work for no good reason, but really easy grading if you turn everything in and meet the page requirements. Lectures are pointless but attendance is mandatory as they'll drop your grade a whole letter if you have to many absences. Easy grading but wouldn't do it again.

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ART1A . Taschian H J 3 Months Ago

lecture was ok but tons of reading, oh and she told me after the quarter ended she did not accept my final paper because it was late (even thought I got an extension) and gave me a C out of mercy?

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ART1A . Taschian H J 4 Months Ago

She lives in LA, so she doesn't really come to do lectures. She just does it over zoom in the lecture hall. Nobody pays attention in class because 1. She's on zoom and 2. She's very very boring. I think she's been

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ART1A . Taschian H J 11 Months Ago

Professor Tashcian is a bit all over the place when it comes to lectures, so it can be hard to take notes. Readings are mandatory as you have weekly summaries.

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ART1A . Taschian H J 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

As a professor and teacher, Helen was wonderful. Very intelligent and eager for class discussions, as well as responsive outside of class. There are lots of readings per week, but most of them you can just scan over or skip completely. The lectures very loosely relate to those readings, if at all. Papers due every week + a long research paper final

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ART110 . Taschian H J 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

She gives helpful feedback on the weekly assignments, they consist of 2 big 4-5 page essays for the midterm and final, and the weekly 2-3 page essays. It can be overwhelming so don't wait and do the writing last minute lol

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ART1A . Taschian H J 2 Years Ago

I was confused on why people thought this was a heavy workload class. 2 pages each week is very easy and the material we write about is interesting and easy to watch or read. Helen is an amazing professor and proved multiple times that she does care about her students. Reaching her outside of class is very easy and she offers support where she can

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ART1 . Taschian H J 2 Years Ago

prof taschian is a great professor and very passionate but this class is a lot of unnecessary work. do not take it if you're not taking it for a major class. there are 2-page papers due every week, which aren't super hard, but the material tends to be pretty boring. class is also mandatory but she's understanding about absences.

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ART1A . Taschian H J 2 Years Ago

Super nice and caring prof, was really understanding about covid, getting sick, and was really nice to everyone. Grading is 1/2 weekly writing assignments (mini papers ~2 pages) and the other half a big research paper (due halfway through the quarter, ~8 pages). Attendance and section and lecture is tracked, and you can't miss more than 5.

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ART1A . Taschian H J 2 Years Ago

Prof. Taschian claims that the class is hard, but it's definitely not that bad. 8 page research paper is worth 50% of your grade, and the other 50% is weekly writing assignments. Reading isn't necessary except for what is required in the writing assignments. Lectures can be boring, but attendance is taken. TAs graded all assignments. No tests.

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ART1 . Taschian H J 3 Years Ago

Taschian's lectures get very rambly, and the readings are intense to start (one/two page papers due on the readings every week) but the class gets easier as time goes on. Readings were very interesting, and Taschian is super accessible + kind outside of class. No final for this class, and the readings get less dense/hard as the class progresses

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ART1A . Taschian H J 3 Years Ago

Art 1A with Professor Taschian was a wonderful experience. Weekly reading assignments, very in-depth and enjoyable lectures, and an 8-page research paper. No final! Very generous in grading, cares for her students and was always open to questions, and took time to prepare you for your paper. Would highly recommend!

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