Robert Wilkinson

14 reviews
Past quarters


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ES116 . 10 Years Ago

This class was really interesting and didn't require too much work. We only had a few quizzes and papers and the book was a good read.

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ES176 . 12 Years Ago

Awesome teacher. Attendance in mandatory, as he assigns a very short quiz at the end of class. His papers are only 2-3, and are very straight forward. Tests and quizzes are easy as long as you take notes during class. If he goes over something multiple times, it will likely be on the test. Take this class as well as his others!

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ES116 . 14 Years Ago

Attendance is required. Movies are a little dated but okay. Tests are easy-based on the quizzes given in lecture. Reader is large--do the reading! Other than that it is a pretty easy class. 2 fieldtrips required-one to public meeting, the other a metabolic site. 3 3 page papers. Very repetitive.

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ES115 . 14 Years Ago

Attendance is required. Movies are a little dated but okay. Tests are easy-based on the quizzes given in lecture. Reader is large--do the reading! Other than that it is a pretty easy class. 2 fieldtrips required-one to public meeting, the other a metabolic site.

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ENVS116 . 14 Years Ago

He gives quizzes in class so you have to show up for the 3 hour long lecture. The material is kind of interesting, but he assigns 2 huuuge readers and I never read any of them and still got an A. Sustainable communities are a cool thing to think/learn about though...still a good class and easy enough that it makes it worth it

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ENVS117 . 15 Years Ago

Wilki knows his stuff. He is very clear about what is on the tests and the papers are mellow.

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ES116 . 15 Years Ago

did not like this class at all. Useless material, boring old environmental videos, old information. Out of date in every way. Did not like teaching method. Did not like testing method, his tests are tricky. Papers are very easy, but doesn't really matter because you're still going to do bad on his tests. His quizzes are pretty pointless.

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ENV116 . 15 Years Ago

Boring & a waste of time. Easy papers. But he wastes sooooo much time. Didn't learn a thing from him. Don't take this class if u get impatient. Also he shows 3 videos each class. Lecture is a discussion.

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ENVS116 . 16 Years Ago

Very boring class. He has students do most of the work by presenting useless boring power point presentations while he watches (sometimes). I don't really feel like I learned much and would have rather taken another ES class.

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ENVS116 . 17 Years Ago

I hate be a downer, but this is not what a good teacher is. Way too much reading with no discussion. Mostly we just watched old enviro videos. I like him and the material, and I learned stuff, but I wouldn't say he actually taught me what I learned. Easy, though. Easy papers, tests just repeating things he told us over and over to remember.

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ENVS116 . 17 Years Ago

Really great professor and class. Lectures and videos really interesting. Make sure you read the reader. Quizes are easy as long as you pay attention in lecture and read. Papers are pretty easy. You have to go to a wastewater treatment plant which is gross and a council meeting which is very boring but the class is really great.

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ENVS116 . 17 Years Ago

easy class if you pay attention. very interesting, you will be shocked by how much you learn.

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