Edson Armi

31 reviews
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ARTH186X . 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

Amazing professor who is an expert in the field. He is tough but fair. Thoroughly enjoyed his class.

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ARTH186X . 14 Years Ago

Professor Armi is tough but he is a very dedicated teacher and loves his subject. I had him for a 10 person seminar that I would recommend to anyone. He cares about his students and wants them to be passionate about modern design. Class was insightful and you can do well if you do the requirements.

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ARTHI105E . 14 Years Ago

Must attend lectures, 1 midterm and take home final. stresses main concepts a lot. nice professor, loves what he teaches. no textbook, assigned reading of several of his articles.

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ARTH105G . 14 Years Ago

WORST EVER!!!! Literally don't know how I passed this class!! This class made me hate architecture. The pace was way too fast and there should definitely be a pre-req for this particular class!!! He's passionate and is very knowledgeable but he doesn't know how to translate any of that to the students.

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ARTHI105C . 14 Years Ago

this professor is the WORST i have ever had as an art history major. he tests on images that you have no way to study, his lectures are incoherent and disjointed, and he only references authors and research from the sixties! he doesnt use email or powerpoint. the only reason i passed is because of wikipedia and material from my other classes.

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ARTHI105E . 15 Years Ago

This was the most stressful class I have ever taken. I literally felt sick from studying/stressing so much over the midterm. SO MUCH MATERIAL and no direction from Armi as to what to study. Extremely hard grader on midterm, but made up for it on the final. Ended up getting a "B" but would avoid him again at all costs.

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ARTHI105C . 15 Years Ago

Not an art history major, but have always enjoyed the classes. I worked the hardest for this class, and was given a big fat "NP". After failing the midterm I went to him for help and his only advice was "come to class". I missed one class the entire lecture. Also, he refuses to e-mail. It's 2009, sir.

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ARTHI105C . 15 Years Ago

DO NOT TAKE. When you ask professor how to study for the midterm he says "don't worry about it" but then fails half the class. Very rude and unhelpful.

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ARTHI105C . 15 Years Ago

This teacher is a total jerk. Refuses to answer questions, virtually unavailable to students, will not answer email, and extremely pompous. Midterm and final are impossible. Expect to study for weeks and still get a bad grade.

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ARTHI105E . 15 Years Ago

He is very clear and upfront with what he expects of his students - go to class, take good notes, revisit material every day after class. Not too hard, but very detailed lectures. Write down everything he does, but he repeats and builds on themes so it's easy to remember. Don't be scared, but don't expect it to be a breeze either.

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ARTHI6A . 16 Years Ago

In this class the professor will put up a slide of a building and talk about it for 15 minutes and then move on to the the next slide and so on. It is extremely boring. The tests are also extremely difficult. I do not recommend this class, it totally ruined any interest I had in art history.

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ARTHI6A . 16 Years Ago

He know his stuff for sure, but it can get a bit complex in his engineering terms. He's keen to point out motifs in design and architecture; I found this much more interesting than the art aspect. Well versed in pointing out the evolution in architecture in an interesting manner. Don't bother bringing a laptop; he's old school with slides.

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