Carlos Garcia

94 reviews
Tough grader Tests are tough Lecture heavy Lots of homework Accessible outside class Test heavy Skip class? You won't pass. EXTRA CREDIT Tests? Not many Get ready to read Respected Graded by few things Participation matters Clear grading criteria Gives good feedback Inspirational So many papers Caring Online Savvy
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MATH118B . 3 Months Ago

Lectures are recordings with notes (both handwritten and more polished typed-up notes) available online, while class times are used to go through practice problems. I prefer this format to standard in-class lectures (though ymmv), and the in-class practice problems helped me develop my intuition for real analysis. Tests are take-home over 24 hours.

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MATH3B . 2 Years Ago

Horrible professor so learn from the textbook and go to CLAS. Really easy to do well in the class though because it is completely online, even the exams and final. If it is in person, avoid taking this professor.

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MATH3B . 2 Years Ago

Tough to understand him and his notes, Had about double the homework compared to other professors and they were very hard problems as well. If you have to take him, find another resource and take CLAS to survive this course.

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MATH3B . 2 Years Ago

online saved me and was the only reason i got an A. homework was really hard and his lectures were useless. he makes things way harder than it has to be. i didn't watch them and solely relied on self studying. get quizlet x slader. its the only reason i survived. loved cooper as my TA though, he was very helpful and nice overall

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3B . 2 Years Ago

Class was asynchronous, and it was the worst mistake I've ever made. Taking this class made me feel like I was taking a graduate level class. Go to CLAS because it is literally the only help you can get. If possible, avoid taking his class, because you WILL regret it. I cannot stress how difficult the homework is and how he overall can't teach.

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MATH3B . 2 Years Ago

Lectures were async. Sometimes, the lectures were hard to follow, but in general, they were alright. There are a lot of recorded lectures coupled with a lot of webwork HW problems and a quiz each week. The professor was accomodating, delaying a midterm bc of a holiday. You might need to self study the material, if you find lectures unhelpful

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MATH3B . 2 Years Ago

Honestly just such a difficult professor, his lectures are long and hard to follow and he assigns a ton of homework which makes it hard to actually learn the course content, I recommend just teaching yourself on Khan Academy or avoiding at all cost

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MATH3B . 2 Years Ago

He is very hard to understand because of his accent, and his lectures are hard to follow. I stopped watching the lecture videos after week one but I did fine. I would not recommend taking his class, but everything including the tests and final was online so it is doable. Youre better off teaching yourself with the textbook.

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MATH118 . 3 Years Ago

UD students!! Garcia is the man for 118 series! You know the higher level math profs always get a bad rep w LD. Professor Garcia is the best math professor I've had at UCSB. He provides so many resources, and works so hard to ensure we have what we need to succeed. His lectures are illuminating, and the work is hard (118 is hard) but achievable.

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MATH4B . 3 Years Ago

His lectures made absolutely no sense. He would present the material but would not connect the dots to make any logical sense. It was difficult to understand.

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MATH117 . 4 Years Ago

Dont know what all the fuss is about, this guy worked reeeeally hard to make sure we understood the material.

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MATH6A . 4 Years Ago

Pros: Easy homework; easy exams; lots of extra credits; the textbook was free online and explains stuff well; attendance was not mandatory; Cons: Unnecessarily hard lectures; the professor had thick accents which might be hard to follow; be prepared to pay the ridiculous price for Wiley Plus.

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