Carlos Garcia

107 reviews
Tough grader Tests are tough Lecture heavy Lots of homework Test heavy EXTRA CREDIT Graded by few things Accessible outside class Skip class? You won't pass. Tests? Not many Get ready to read Inspirational Respected Participation matters Group projects Clear grading criteria Gives good feedback Hilarious So many papers Caring Online Savvy
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3a . 2 Months Ago

Professor Garcia was not a very good professor. It was hard to understand him during his lectures. Section was not helpful either, so SELF TEACHING and CLAS is a must. Study Guides had nothing to do with the actual exams. If you have never done calculus before don't take this class you will be lost or at least try and take it with another professor

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MATH3A . 2 Months Ago

Lecture is not helpful. However, if you email him outside of class time he will respond. Additionally, the final was a bit harder than it should have been and resulted in my grade dropping 12%. However, he did curve everyone up a letter grade, so he does curve based on if lots of people do bad. Go to CLAS + review on your own if you want an A.

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3a . 2 Months Ago

I took calculus in High School and did the mistake of not taking the AP test to avoid this class. While he does provide extra credit on midterms, they're four questions and are graded very harshly. His lectures do not help at all and my grade went from a A- to C on the final.

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3a . 2 Months Ago

this class ruined my confidence in math. i can tell he tries to have people learn but he is so confusing and hard to understand (both with speaking and notes):( both midterms were ok, but the final was so bad it brought me from a A+ to a C+. curve was not great even tho many people struggled. study guides don't help at all. pls go to CLAS!

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3a . 2 Months Ago

Cannot teacher, you are going to be self learning the whole quater

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3a . 2 Months Ago

The WORST teacher I have ever had. The man does not teach, only talks. He explains nothing and it feels like he's just reading off his course outline the whole time. We were supposed to get all the way to integrals but somehow went over limits every lecture. Homework and study guide have nothing to do with midterms/finals. TAs are useless.

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3a . 3 Months Ago

He can explain advanced topics very thoroughly and well, but his fancy math-language doesn't lend itself to introductory calculus topics. Study guides and homework are typically harder than exams, and EC is offered. Office hours are very insightful for careers in math-adjacent fields, as the professor is extremely knowledgable. TAs vary widely.

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3a . 3 Months Ago

I would avoid him unless you are extremely confident in your calculus abilities BEFORE enrolling. his lectures are confusing and all over the place, the homework is extremely difficult, and the study guides provided never match the 3 question midterms. the curve is big because the median score has been failing. go to CLAS if you take this course

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3a . 3 Months Ago

I would avoid this man in whatever course you take. Even in the simplest course (3A), he still made it extremely harder than a calculus class needs to be. Overwhelming amount of material for very little time we have in a quarter. TA's in this course are just here to answer questions rather than to teach. Avoid this guy at all costs.

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3a . 3 Months Ago

Where do I begin...Carlos Garcia Cevera. You are my sunshine and the light of my life. If u know how to long division, this class will be a piece of cake. His lectures really moved me in a way that I didn't think was possible. His tests are a piece of cake if you could call them that. Expect group tests and all his exams are open. Go, girl.

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3a . 3 Months Ago

i can see he tried i guess. idk man, currently failing the class rn. i wouldnt take him again, he was the only option i had! the tests are really hard and the studyguides dont match the tests at all. do not take him the TAs suck as well trust bro

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3a . 3 Months Ago

Lectures are awful he does not explain anything clearly and jumps around a lot. Doesn't answer questions. Tests do not match homework or what is learned in CLAS. TAs don't help much either. Take someone else if you can.

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