Edwina Barvosa-Carter

41 reviews
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CHST1C . 10 Years Ago

I thought she was a wonderful teacher! It was a hard class but she is very understanding and gives lots of extra credit. take her class!!

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CHST1B . 11 Years Ago

strong passionate woman. But i felt really dumb when she spoke because of all her big words. I kept up with all the readings but couldn't grasp everything she was saying.This class killed my GPA. I regret taking it..

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CHST1B . 11 Years Ago

She is a good Prof. But the course is not conducive to students, nor does it not allow for A students to shine. I did well on the 200 question final, got a A on it. However, your grade all depends how your TA grades. Some TA's grade fair, some give out A's for the same work. This is the one flaw of UCSB!!! Most will receive a B or C in this class.

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CHST1B . 11 Years Ago

her notes are confusing. She does not give a studyguide for final or midterm, The midterm consist of essays. The final was 240 multiple choice questions but 20 were extra credit. for the final as long as you study your notes you will the fine, I got a B in the class. It is not hard but it can be confusing at times

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0468 . 12 Years Ago

Dr. Barvosa is one of the most accessible and understanding professors on the entire UCSB campus. She is willing to provide help, but the student must approach her. Her midterms are fair, and reasonable. They are based on lecture and the readings! This is truly one of the classes in which your grade reflects your effort.

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CHIC1B . 12 Years Ago

I learned a lot from this class. My T.A. was great, but Professor Barvosa's final questions are designed for failure. I wrote an A paper for her class, knew all of the material, and got a 77% on her final. Overall, interesting reading, but horrible lectures. Don't let the plethora of requirements tempt you unless you are really passionate.

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CHS1B . 12 Years Ago

be prepared to take an over 200 question final and go to useless sections and non helpful TA's

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CHIC1B . 13 Years Ago

Professor Barvosa means business, but in a good way. She is VERY passionate about what she is teaching, and has a rarely seen but clever sense of humor. If you do most if not all the readings, you will do just fine. Lectures are pretty clear, but you pretty much have to go to them or you will be lost. Great and impressive lady.

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CHST1B . 14 Years Ago

Professor Barvosa is awesome!! I learned so much in her class. She really tries to engage the students and it makes for a very fun and informative class. If you want to do well you HAVE to go to lecture, there is no other place to get the info. The tests are difficult, mostly essays, but graded fairly. I definitely recommend this class!!

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CHSTB . 14 Years Ago

she was overall a nice lady, dont get me wrong, and i learned a lot from this class. her midterm and final however are a bit difficult so beware, and be prepared for LOTS of reading! but dont buy the 3 little books, i suggest just the reader, the 3 little ones are a complete waste of money

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CHST1B . 14 Years Ago

First of all, don't take this class if you are lazy and then whine later (I did not work any harder here than in my Psy 1 class). This is actually a really easy class if you 1)Do the reading, 2) Go to Lecture (most ppl dont) and 3) study. Prof B is great and will help you IF you are willing to work, if not GOD help you.

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CHST1B . 14 Years Ago

Edwina is a barracuda, but I loved her class! She is extremely informative and though she has her biases, who doesn't? I learned a LOT in this class that I can now apply every single day. Take her if you want to learn and be challenged.

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