Barry Giesbrecht

20 reviews
Amazing lectures Clear grading criteria Respected Participation matters Skip class? You won't pass. Would take again Gives good feedback Caring Accessible outside class
Past quarters
31 / 35 Enrolled
Special Interest Group Research Seminar
Barry Giesbrecht 4.5
12:30 PM - 13:30 PM
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PSY 233 Giesbrecht B Spring 2024 Total: 6
PSY 592CP Giesbrecht B Spring 2024 Total: 0
PSY 163BG Giesbrecht B Winter 2024 Total: 156
PSY 118L Giesbrecht B Fall 2023 Total: 46
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PSY118L . Giesbrecht B 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

Keiflin's lab grade is made up of weekly group assignments for the research project, open-book midterm, presentation, and research paper. A very fair grader and there is a lot of support from the TAs and Professor Giesbrecht if you want it. Overall, it was a more challenging lab course (compared to others) because of the topic, but very rewarding.

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PSY118L . Giesbrecht B 5 Years Ago

One of the true gems at UCSB and specifically in the psychology department. Makes everything incredibly clear and is also funny, compassionate, and truly knowledgeable about psychology methods in research. I would take him for 10 more classes if I could, no matter the subject.

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120L . Giesbrecht B 5 Years Ago

He's a super nice and approachable professor. I took him for lab in the winter and he always made sure to convey class information very clearly. You get to design your own experiment with your group so attendance is pretty much mandatory. One lab report, one short final on key terms. TA's are super helpful. Would take again.

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PSYCH5 . Giesbrecht B 10 Years Ago

He was cool.

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PSYCH5 . Giesbrecht B 10 Years Ago

The material was really hard. Giesbrecht was clear, but at the end of the week I always had to read the textbook to fully understand the material. Section is optional. 1-2 hours of homework a week.

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PSY5 . Giesbrecht B 12 Years Ago

I wish I went to class more often, looking back. Barry is pretty awesome, lectures are easy to follow and slow enough to take really good notes. He starts using the first ten minutes of lecture for the review up to two weeks before the midterm and final, not to mention dedicating one lecture to review for each. Section is boring (don't go), easy hw

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PSYCH5 . Giesbrecht B 12 Years Ago

Seriously such a great teacher! He makes everything incredibly clear and even writes out tables/charts to distinguish different methods and formulas. If you need to take stats take it with HIM! i cant see any stat class being more straightforward. Homework isn't too bad, but you def need the book.

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PSYCH5 . Giesbrecht B 13 Years Ago

seriously loved this class and I'm not even that big of a fan of math. Professor Giesbrecht is an amazing teacher. He is very clear in class, makes sure to get the class involved, uses fun examples, and is always open to help you. The class can be difficult for some because of the psychology curve but he prepares you well. No complaints

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PSYCH5 . Giesbrecht B 13 Years Ago

very helpful and knowledgable professor. weekly homework assignments from the textbook that normally don't take long. he makes his power points available online too, so that's helpful for before the midterm and final. do well on the homework though because that will make the difference in boosting your final grade

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PSY5 . Giesbrecht B 13 Years Ago

It's been over two weeks and we're still waiting to get our midterms back. Quite annoying. Also, he waits a few days to post lectures so if you miss class on Tuesday, you might as well not go on Thursday because you can't see the slides. Easy class though.

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PSY5 . Giesbrecht B 14 Years Ago

He's very clear and tries to make the class interesting, but it's still stats. I thought the exams were tough, but not impossible. His Canadian accent shines through, especially when he says "about."

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PSY5 . Giesbrecht B 17 Years Ago

GREAT guy. Come to his office hours and he will explain anything you have difficulty on literally until you get it. Tough class but he goes by the book--READ IT. Cause u need to know not only how to solve the problem, but the concepts behind it. I know it sucks, but I learned a lot. (and I Hate math.)

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