Libe Washburn

14 reviews
Caring Amazing lectures Skip class? You won't pass. Group projects Would take again Respected Lecture heavy Accessible outside class
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GEOG165 . 5 Years Ago

Libe is a great professor. He really cares about the subject and tries to make the course engaging and the material understandable. He is SUPER accessible outside of class and is very patient. He works through the entire hw with you in office hours so take advantage of that! Tests are little tricky but mainly based off readings, no trick questions

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GEOG104 . 6 Years Ago

Libe is really awesome!! He understands that there are many people that take this class from different major backgrounds and has a generous curve (I got low B's on every test and got a solid A). His lectures are super interesting and he uses lots of in class demonstrations to make it fun. Go to office hours! He'll work through hw with you in them.

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GEOG165 . 7 Years Ago

Libe is a great professor, one of the best that I have taken at UCSB. He gives good, structured lectures. He is approachable and will answer questions. He has achieved a lot in his field. His tests are not very difficult. Grading system is a mix of tests (about 2/3 of grade) and homework/group projects (other 1/3 of grade). Take his classes!

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GEOG110 . 12 Years Ago

had to take for geog major and it was fairly difficult. lectures are mostly images and him talking. tests were almost exclusively based on the book. hw was very math heavy and TA was not very helpful

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GEOG104 . 12 Years Ago

I took his time series analysis class and I have TA-ed his physical oceanography. Libe absolutely is a great professor all around, very smart, and knows how to teach well. I have learned a lot from him. It will help if you have good math background for his calsses.

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GEOG104 . 13 Years Ago

Definitely a class for aquatic bio majors and any other science. If science is not your thing, then don't take this class. I felt like this class needed-requisites because he assumed we knew what he was talking about so it was definitely hard. I just needed and upper division elective and this was not the way to go.

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GEOG104 . 17 Years Ago

boring class. skips over the basics. most of the students are engineers, hydrology or physics majors. So he automatically thinks he can fly through a lot of the material. A lot of effort for a basic class. i'd skip this class if i were you.

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GEOG104 . 17 Years Ago

Very intelligent and know's a lot about physical oceanography. Very open to help clarify anything you have a question on, just ask. His waves and tides class is the reason i'm now going to grad school in physical oceanography.

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GEOG104 . 17 Years Ago

Washburn is a good professor but his class was extremely boring. It is hard to stay interested and the class is harder than you would expect it to be. If you do the homework and attend class regularly than you should do well.

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GEOG104 . 18 Years Ago

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Libe's awesome and so was his class. Whoever rated him as hot, though, should put away the Viagra.

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GEOGRAPHY104 . 19 Years Ago

Really great teacher. very enthusiastic. class is hard, but he is a very interesting lecturer.

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