Heejung Kim

30 reviews
Amazing lectures Clear grading criteria Accessible outside class Tough grader Would take again Hilarious Respected Graded by few things Get ready to read Participation matters Skip class? You won't pass. Inspirational Lecture heavy Test heavy
Past quarters
PSY 252
6 / 15 Enrolled
Advanced Research Methods In Social Psychology
Heejung Kim 3.4
13:00 PM - 15:20 PM
95.5% A
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PSY 154 Kim H S Winter 2024 Total: 155
PSY 150L Kim H S Fall 2023 Total: 45
PSY 154 Kim H S Spring 2023 Total: 114
PSY 252 Kim H S Winter 2023 Total: 10
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PSY154 . Kim H S 11 Months Ago

She was a great professor and was very knowledgeable. There were only 4 grades, 2 discussions, 2 exams. It was not a hard class but no room for bad grades. I really enjoyed this class.

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PSY154 . Kim H S 2 Years Ago

A great professor up until the VERY END of the quarter. Took points off of everyone's final because of her own mistake in the key. Had an ill-equipped TA grade the paper that makes up 30% of the final grade. Unwilling to take criticism and not at all approachable about grading concerns. Enjoyed the class but the unfair grading 100% ruined it.

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PSY154 . Kim H S 2 Years Ago

The readings are interesting but the lecture slides could be somewhat updated. Very accessible and email responsive.

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PSYCH154 . Kim H S 2 Years Ago

Favorite class at UCSB so far. Dr. Kim is awesome. Super smart and funny. This is one of those classes that would make the world a better place if everyone took it. I feel like a much more aware and understanding person after taking this class. The final paper was a blast to write, and I don't think I've ever said that about a 5-page essay before.

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150L . Kim H S 3 Years Ago

After taking her class she seemed very disorganized and replies to her emails horribly late. Whats a huge pet peeve about her grading is that she doesnt provide feedback on the midterm and even on the final paper which was a huge let down. She is a cool professor though. I would avoid her, trust me theres better professors than her.

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PSY154 . Kim H S 3 Years Ago

This is one of my favorite Psych courses so far! Dr. Kim is a good lecturer and hilarious! The material isn't too bad and is actually interesting. There are readings but they aren't too difficult and it's helpful for exams! There is a paper but it's fun and not something to stress about!

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PSY154 . Kim H S 4 Years Ago

I LOVED Professor Kim! PSY 154 changed my life. Cultural psychology is one of those courses that may threaten your worldview, but she presents findings factually and with humor so it's digestible. I didn't read much but reviewed the studies she mentions. The slides won't help unless you've attended lectures for context. She's also very approachable

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PSY154 . Kim H S 5 Years Ago

I love love love Dr. Kim! She has an accent, which may make it difficult to understand when she lectures. But she knows this and she will ALWAYS try her hardest to ensure that you understand. She makes jokes sometimes and it's enjoyable. The tests are fair as long as you attend lecture. Pay attention to the results of the studies to do well!

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PSY154 . Kim H S 5 Years Ago

Dr. Kim is an amazing lecturer. If you like learning about different studies in cultural psychology, this is a good class to take. Her tests are based heavily on the lectures, however you still need to read the book because some questions are drawn directly from the studies explained in the reading. Overall this is a really interesting class.

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PSY154 . Kim H S 9 Years Ago

Kim is a great professor! She's very accessible and willing to help. She has very clear guidelines about what she expects and gives a review session before exams. She posts her slides online but make sure to come to class! She explains things in more detail but so clearly, you barely have to study to remember the concepts. Overall amazing!

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PSYCH 154 . Kim H S 9 Years Ago

I took both psych 154 and psych 140 with Professor Kim. She explains concepts and studies more clearly than any other professor I've had here at UCSB. Yes, you do have to read for her classes, but she basically tells you what from the reading is going to be on the test. She makes every class before a midterm a review session. Awesome professor!

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PSY154 . Kim H S 10 Years Ago

Kim was a good professor, but the lectures were a little bland. Nothing too exciting about this class, even though it is an interesting topic.

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