Esperanza Jefferson

55 reviews
Caring Tough grader Tests? Not many Hilarious Respected Get ready to read Participation matters Skip class? You won't pass. Gives good feedback Inspirational Lots of homework Lecture heavy
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SPAN102L . 7 Years Ago

This class was basically a repeat for AP Spanish Literature. If you have taken it, then I definitely recommend taking this class. One midterm, 3 papers, and some assignments. no final!

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SPAN16B . 7 Years Ago

She's a sweet nice lady! I loved her class! Two midterms, three papers, and one final. It sounds like a lot bu tit's actually pretty doable. Go to her office hours for help in your paper; she will help you out and she cares about you. 10/10 would recommend.

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SPAN16A . 8 Years Ago

She's super sweet, nicest professor everywhere. she really cares for her students. Class was easy, I'm a native speaker, had to work hard to get good grades.

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SPAN16A . 8 Years Ago

She is a sweet old lady. Makes you feel like she's your abuelita ! The class is not hard, the only scary thing is the papers. But go to office hours and she can really help you out. 2 midterms, 3 papers, and 1 final. midterms are very similar to the final so it shouldn't be a surprise. I liked this class (also there was a very cute guy in my class)

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SPAN16B . 8 Years Ago

Wonderful, kind professor. Creates a bond with every student. Very sweet, brought us candy every class. Her teaching itself is fine if you're good at Spanish. If not, you may have to ask her for help specifically. Ended lecture early every time. Disregard her paper criteria - just write a good paper like you would for a writing class. Easy A!

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SPAN16B . 8 Years Ago

She was the sweetest thing, truly cares for her students and brought snacks to every class. 2 midterms and final which are pretty easy if you look at the study guide. 3 papers which she grades more harshly, but you get to make corrections. Never collected the assigned hw, but helpful overall in class.

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SPAN102L . 9 Years Ago

One test four papers. tests are super easy the review is literally exactly what you answer on the test. Papers on the other hand are difficult. She grades tough half the class got below a 70 on the first try, she let those people rewrite the first one. I got an 83 on the first one but she let me rewrite it so I did but it stayed at an 83 strangely.

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SPANISH102L . 9 Years Ago

It's a really easy class for Spanish speakers and she's really nice. I don't feel like I've learned anything though and waking up for the eight am is such a waste of my time. Really hate this class, it's pointless. As sweet as she is, it's not anything helpful. I regret choosing this professor.

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SPANISH102L . 10 Years Ago

She is so sweet and so understanding. She had one exam way at the end of the quarter and a final paper. She graded the final paper kinda harshly. But she really helped me out when I wasn't feeling well and she let me take the midterm later. Also had her for Spanish 16A(:

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SPAN102L . 10 Years Ago

She is very sweet and wants everyone to succeed but it's hard to understand what she wants on the essays which is what your grade is based on. I did the readings and participated in class but her grading is hard. Office hours is a must with her cuz she will change your grade for a better one, so Go! Uses a reader and there's HW every night.

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SPANISH16A . 11 Years Ago

love this teacher!!! shes amazing and loves what she teaches. she also helps out a lot !!!

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SPANISH16A . 11 Years Ago

One of the best spanish teachers i've ever had! She's very enthusiastic while teaching and always helps out!

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